Timeline 2

  • Imre Lakatos (09 November 1922 - 02 February 1974)

    Imre Lakatos (09 November 1922 - 02 February 1974)
    Proofs and Refutations: In this work Lakatos establshes a an imaginary dialog between teacher and students. In his conjecture he proves that traditional Popper thinking is not always the way to achieve mathematical proofs with the example of proof concerning polyhedra. Ultimately he argues that heuristic thinking can contribute to the growth of mathematical knowledge.
  • Imre Lakatos (09 November 1922 - 02 February 1974)

    Changes in the Problem of Inductive Logic:
    In this analysis Lakatos dissects the arguement between Carnap and Popper. Essentially Lakatos gives his opinion that problem-shifts are allowed so long as the new problem solved is more interesting that the original problem that was set out to solve. This was in retaliation to the traditional methodology of neo-inductivism.
  • Imre Lakatos (09 November 1922- 02 February 1974)

    Imre Lakatos (09 November 1922- 02 February 1974)
    Flasification and the Methodology of Scientific Research Progammes:
    This paper was a part of collective papers in "Critisism and Growth of Knowledge". Lakatos's paper was seen as an objection to Popper's view on "normal science" and paradigm shifts. A research programme was a term coined by Lakatos and he states that these programmes can make progress even if theories within said program are wrong. Kuhn beleived Lakatos described scientific revolutions similarly in different termonology.
  • Imre Lakatos (09 November 1922 - 02 February 1974)

    Imre Lakatos (09 November 1922 - 02 February 1974)
    Science and Pseudoscience:
    Broadcasted on BBC radio in the early 70's Lakatos defended his position on sciene and it's importantance in the modern world. He covered many lesson concepts such as demarcation, falsifiability, Popper/Kuhn incorrect interprations of scientific revolutions, progressive research programs and the negative effect of institutional critism. You can find his lecture here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YBrhzqKJWo