Timeline of agreements and commitments

  • IPCC

    Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
  • First IPCC report

    The report confirmed that climate change was a reality and was supposed by scientific data.
  • Second IPCC report

    It concludes that the balance of evidence suggests a discernible human influence on the global climate.
  • Third IPCC report

    It states that anthropogenic emissions will raise global mean temperature by 5.8 by 2050
  • Fourth IPCC report

    It warns that serious effects of warming have become evident.
  • Global economic crisis

    Reduction in international will to negotiate on carbon emissions reductions as national economies fall but this fall results in lower GHG emissions from industry.
  • Fifth IPCC report

    It was the strongest warning yet that global warming is happening, human activities are mostly causing it through burning fossil fuels and increasing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.