Timeline 1942-1953

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    Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Franklin D. Roosevelt became 32nd President of the United States.
  • Declaration of The United Nations

    Representatives of 26 countries sign the Declaration of the United Nations.
  • US and WWII

    The United States first engages using US warships against Japan in 1942. The United States fist force was in Northern Ireland.
  • Bataan

    Filipino and US forces withdraw to Bataan.
  • Patent of Henry Ford

    On 1942, Ford patented a way to produce plastic car parts.
  • Advice to President Roosevelt

    US Congress advises President Roosevelt to relocate anyone of Japanese descent. The reason is so they wouldn't oppose the war effort.
  • Executive Order 9066

    President Roosevelt orders the internment of all Japanese descendant in the US.
  • General Douglas MacArthur takes charge

    General Douglas MacArthur takes command of the Allied Forces as he reaches Australia.
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    Battle of Java Sea

    The Battle of Java Sea began on Feb 27. In the battle, thirteen US warships sank and 2 Japanese sank. It ended with a major naval defeat on March 1.
  • "Total War"

    Adolf Hitler declares "Total War." Total War means unrestricted weapon use.
  • Meat Rationing

    Meat rationing ended on May 3rd in the United States.
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    Harry S. Truman

    He became the 33rd President of the United States.
  • Attack on Okinawa

    The US attacks Okinawa with air crafts.
  • Private Edward Donald Slovik is executed

    Since he committed desertion during WWII. He was executed at age 25. It was the first execution for desertion since the American Civil War.
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    Atomic Bombs Dropped

    Two Atomic Bombs were dropped by the US on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  • End of WWII

    WWII ended on September 2, 1945.
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    Second Red Scare

    The Second Red Scare began with the fear of Communism. The United States would scared that Soviet Union would infiltrate spies in the Federal Government.
  • Truman Doctrine

    The Truman Doctrine is announced by President Truman on March 12, 1947. The Truman Doctrine would help any nation resist Communism.
  • National Security Act

    President Truman signs National Security Act on September 18, 1947.
  • Science Advances

    Pease and Baker took the first photo of a gene at the University of Southern California
  • Around-the-world flight.

    The US Air force send a plane for the first nonstop flight around the world. It covered 23,452-miles in 94 hours and it landed at Fort Worth Texas.
  • Hydrogen Bomb

    President Truman admits he ordered the Atomic Energy Commission to develop the Hydrogen Bomb
  • Korean War

    The United States decides to get involved in the Korean War. The Soviet Union decides to aid North Korea, and the United States would aid South Korea. This would be the first battle of the Cold War between the two nations.
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    Dwight D. Eisenhower

    He became the 34th President of the United States.