Timeline 1921-1941

  • Fair Labor Standards Act

    This act established and protected worker's minimum wage and forty-hour week.
  • American Birth Control League

    The American Birth Control League was founded by Margaret Sanger to encourage women to control their own fertility.
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    Warren G. Harding

    He was the 29th president of the United States.
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    Calvin Coolidge

    He was the 30th president of the United States.
  • The Immigration Act of 1924

    The Immigration Act of 1924 limited the annual amount of admitted immigrants from any country. Only two percent of a country could be admitted into the US.
  • First African American labor union

    Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters was the first African American Labor union in the US.
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    Herbet Hoover

    He was the 31st president of the United States.
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    The Great Depression

    The United States enters into The Great Depression after the crash of the stock market.
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    Franklin D. Roosevelt

    He was the 32nd president of the United States.
  • Congress passes the National Labor Relations (Wagner) Act

  • Congress passes the Social Security Act

  • CIO

    The Congress of Industrial Organizations, or also known as the CIO, is formed.
  • The New Deal

    President Franklin D. Roosevelt proposes the New Deal on 1939 to help relieve Americans from the Great Depression.
  • Alien Registration Act

    The Alien Registration Act, which is also known as the Smith Act, was passed by Congress in 1940. It made it illegal to teach or to advocate the overthrow of the American government.
  • A. Philip Randolph's Threat

    A. Philip Randolph threatened the US government to march on Washington, D.C. to protest against racial discrimination in defense jobs.
  • WWII

    The United States enters WWII after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in Dec. 7, 1941.
  • President Roosevelt signs Executive Order 8802

    President Roosevelt signs with the purpose of prohibiting racial discrimination in defense industries. It was a response to A. Philip Randolph's call for a march on Washington, D.C.
  • Executive Order 9066

    President Roosevelt sings Executive Order 9066 so the government can place anyone with Japanese dependence into internment camps under suspicion of disloyalty to the US.