Timeline 1900-1920

  • Formation of United States Steel

  • A civilian administration, with William H. Taft as the first governor-general was established

  • Leon Czolgosz assasinated President McKinley

  • Roosevelt becomes the President

  • Cuba gains formal independance

  • Women’s Trade Union League

  • Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

  • The conditions of industrial labor saw strikes

  • Roosevelt sent the Marines to occupy the Dominican Republic

  • Roosevelt recieves the Nobel Peace Prize

  • Meat Inspection Act

  • Pure Food and Drug Act

  • Hepburn Act was signed

  • The Great white fleet

  • The Davis Act

  • Mexico revolted against Diaz

  • Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in Manhattan caught fire

  • Woodrow Wilson Becomes President

  • The United States produces over one third of the worlds industrial output

  • Huerta government fell

  • Clayton Anti-Trust Act of 1914

  • War begins in Europe

  • Austria declared war on Serbia

  • Germany declared war on Russia

  • Germans sank the RMS Lusitania

  • Second KKK emerges

  • National Defense Act

  • The Naval Act is passed

  • Wilson signed the Espionage Act

  • The Russian Revolution

  • Congress declared war on Germany

  • Selective Service Act

  • Women join the Marine Corps

  • Wilson signed the Sedition Act

  • The fourteen points are introduced

  • German forces leave France and Belgium

  • President Wilson travels overseas

  • American University of Cairo

  • Women get the right to vote

  • Treaty of Sèvres at the San Remo Conference

  • Babe Ruth is a baseball hero