Spanish - American War Timeline / 1854-1898

  • U.S. tried to purchase Cuba

    U.S. tried to purchase Cuba
    America wanted to buy Cuba from Spain so America could grow to be a world power, but Spain declined and said they would rather see Cuba sink into the ocean than to see it controlled by the Americans. This was important because this was a factor we were at war with Spain.
  • Cuba's 1st War for Independence

    Cuba's 1st War for Independence
    The Cubans, led by Maximo Gomez, were to rebel against Spain so they could become a free country. This revolt is more formerly known as the 10 Years war. This was an unsuccessful war, but slavery was abolished. This was important because the Cubans were fighting for independence and slavery was abolished.
  • The second war for independence

    The second war for independence
    José Martí launched a revolution and organized Cuban resistance against Spain and used the active guerrilla campaign to help the rebels achieve Cuba Libre, which means a free Cuba. This was important because this second battle for independence caught America's attention and the 10 Years war went unnoticed.
  • Valeriano Weyler is sent to Cuba by Spain

    Valeriano Weyler is sent to Cuba by Spain
    Spain responded to the second war of independence by sending Valeriano Weyler to Cuba, hoping he would restore order. Valeriano ended up forcing the innocent, rural population into concentration camps to protect them and shoot anyone else who was outside the camps. About 300,000 Cubans filled the camps and most of the people died of disease and starvation. This is important because Weylers actions made Americans sympathize for the Cubans.
  • Rise of the Yellow Press

    Rise of the Yellow Press
    The yellow press wrote over-exaggerated stories of what happened in Weylers concentration camps by saying Weyler fed kids to the sharks and he was poisoning the wells. These were meant to anger the readers. The two main journalists were William Hearst (New York Journal) & Joseph Pulitzer. (New York World) This is important because the public opinion of the American people were sympathizing the Cubans and everything they were going through.
  • Publication of the De Lome Letter

    Publication of the De Lome Letter
    The New York Journal published a private letter written by the Spanish minister to the United States. The letter was stolen from the post office and leaked to newspapers. The letter degraded and criticized President McKinley and Americans were angry. This was important because it was one of the main factors of the Spanish-American war.
  • The USS Maine explodes

    The USS Maine explodes
    McKinley ordered the ship to go get citizens from Havana, but the ship blew up, killing 260 men. Americans blamed it on the Spanish, but nobody actually knows the true culprit. However, we blamed the Spanish. This caused a rallying cry; "Remember the Maine!" This was important because this was another one of the main factors of the Spanish-American war.
  • U.S. declares war with Spain

    U.S. declares war with Spain
    Public opinion was favoring war, so President McKinley asked Congress to use force against Spain. Congress declared war after debating over it for a week. This was important because Americans needed to help free Cuba from Spain.
  • Naval blockade of Cuba

    Naval blockade of Cuba
    Admiral William T. Sampson made sure that Spanish ships were sealed into the harbor of Santiago, and then the Americans attacked. We ended up winning which let everyone see how good America's naval forces were. This was important because we saved many Cubans lives by killing off the Spaniyards.
  • US attacks Manila Bay

    US attacks Manila Bay
    George Dewey commanded the soldier to open fire at the Spanish ships of Manila. In hours, all of the Spanish fleets were destroyed. This was important because we got rid of any Spanish naval threats.
  • Invasion of Cuba

    Invasion of Cuba
    The Cuban Rebels drove the Spanish out of Dachary so we could get into Cuba safely. The army consisted of 17,000 men who were Rough Riders and African Americans. Then, Theodore Roosevelt ordered his troops to charge up Kettle Hill, leading to 140 men dying. However, since Americans captured San Juan Heights, the Spanish surrendered and Theodore Roosevelt went home as a hero. This was important because the American army was capable of aiding the Cubans and helping free them from Spain.
  • Battle of San Juan Hill

    Battle of San Juan Hill
    One of the most famous land battles where Theodore Roosevelt led the 9th and 10th calvaries to charge and took over the hill, which led to America winning the battle and closer to the capture of Cuba. This was important because TR and the Rough Riders became American heroes.
  • Destruction of Spanish Fleet in Cuba

    Destruction of Spanish Fleet in Cuba
    The Spanish ships were trying to escape our blockade in Santiago de Cuba, which caused a battle in which all of their ships were destroyed by America. This was important because we Americans got to show off how good our naval forces were and it led us to gain Puerto Rico later on.
  • Invade/capture Puerto Rico

    Invade/capture Puerto Rico
    Americans created a blockade, causing a naval battle in which all of the Spanish fleets got destroyed. Then, General Nelson Miles invaded Puerto Rico and America became a step closer to becoming a world power. This was important because it helped to grow our empire and become a world power.
  • Armistice is signed between U.S. and Spain

    Armistice is signed between U.S. and Spain
    The United States and Spain signed a cease-fire agreement, ending the "splendid little war" of the Spanish-American war which only lasted 15 weeks. This was important because it decreased the number of deaths until an official decision was made.
  • Spanish surrender in the Philippines

    Spanish surrender in the Philippines
    During the war in the Philippines, America had support from the Filipinos and Cubans because both populations wanted freedom from Spain. 11,000 Americans then joined forces with Filipino rebels, leading to Spain surrendering to the United States. This was important because we gained countries from Spain surrendering to America, making us a world power.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The United States and Spain met in Paris to agree on a treaty, which led to Spain freeing Cuba and giving the U.S. the islands of Guam and Puerto Rico. This treaty was the official end of the war and was important because we had become a world power.