200 BCE
200 BCE
Christian mural paintings in catacombs of Rome; early Christian sculpture on sarcophagi; early Christian art becomes more widespread, after 313. Period of Late Roman Art.
Edict of Milan legitimizes Christianity. -
150 BCE
150 BCE
Famous Greek statue: Venus di Milo -
113 BCE
113 BCE
Famous Roman relief sculpture monument, Trajan's Column -
79 BCE
79 BCE
Vesuvius errupts, destroying Pompeii -
50 BCE
50 BCE
Beginning of the Fayum Mummy Portraits. They continued until about 250 CE -
42 BCE
42 BCE
Famous Greek sculpture: Laocoon -
27 BCE
27 BCE
Beginning of Roman Empire -
Completion of Ara Pacis Augustae. -
Period: 9 BCE to 1950 BCE
Art History