Timeline 1790-1839

By mdecky
  • Haitian Revolt

    Haitian Revolt
    The Haitian revolt took place from 1791 to 1804. It was a slave revolt against the French in what is now Hati. It was one of the most successful slave rebellions.
  • February 12, 1793

    February 12, 1793
    The first fugitive slave act was passed by congress. This made it illegal to have slaves that have escaped. This also prevented interference with an inprogress arrest.
  • Gabriel Prosser / Jack Bowler

    Prosser, Bowler and others planned one of the first important slave rebellions around Richmond, Virgina. There were about 1,000 slaves ready to fight however a thunderstorm stopped them and then their was a traitor in the group causing more confusion alerting the slave owners.
  • Slave Trade

    Laws were being implemented to ban the slave trade in America and the British Colonies. It was called "The Act Prohibiting the Importation of Slaves." It attacked international slave trading rather than domestic.
  • African Methodist Episcopal Church

    This was one of the first all black religious denomination. Richard Allen founded it.
  • Richard Allen

    Richard Allen
    He was one of the most prominent African American leaders. He founded the African Methodist Episcopal Church, advocated for racial equality and was also a writer and educator.