Bhopal Disaster
worlds worst industrial disaster. (TEXT) -
Chernobyl Disaster
Nuclear fallout affects millions. (TEXT) -
Montreal Protocol
Nations agree to reduce CFC use. (TEXT) -
IPCC formed by UNEP
Advises governments on the risks of climate change. (TEXT) -
Rio Earth Summit and Kyoto Protocol
Agreement to reduce carbon emissions to counter enhanced greenhouse effect and global warming. (TEXT) -
Johannesburg Earth Summit
Plans to globally improve:
Water and Sanitation
Energy supply issues
Agricultural abuse
Biodiversity reduction
(TEXT) -
Kyoto protocol becomes a legal requirement
174 countries signed and are expected to reduce carbon emissions to some 15% below expected emissions in 2008. It expires in 2012. (TEXT) -
Film ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ released
Documentary by Al Gore, former US Vice-President, describing global warming (TEXT) -
Nobel Peace Prize
Awarded to Al Gore and IPCC for their work on climate change. (TEXT) -
Rio +20
Paper ‘The Future We Want’ Published (TEXT) -
Sierra Club launches biggest climate action rally yet
Guidance on Considering Environmental Justice during the Development of an Action
“ The Guidance on Considering Environmental Justice During the Development of a Regulatory Action was created. This document was designed to ensure understanding and foster consistency with efforts across EPA's programs and regions to consider environmental justice and make a visible difference in America's communities.” https://www.pbs.org/wnet/americanmasters/a-fierce-green-fire-timeline-of-environmental-movement/2988/