Timeline #1 Nick Bryan

  • 1439

    Printing Press

    Invented by Johann Gutenberg
  • Period: 1455 to 1521

    Josquin des Prez

    French composer.
    Considered the first master of the complex Renaissance style of polyphonic
  • Period: 1457 to 1505

    Jacob Obrecht

    Flemish composer.
    Most famous composer of masses in the late 15th century
  • Period: 1465 to 1535

    Pedro de Escobar

    Portuguese composer mostly active in Spain. He was one of the earliest composers of polyphony
  • 1475

    Ave Maria

    Composed by Des Prez
  • 1475

    Muzzle Loaded Rifle

    First used Philip de Comines
  • 1478

    The Spainish Inquistion begins

    No one expects the Spanish Inquisition
  • 1495

    Missa L’Homme armé super voces musicales

    Composed by des Prez. Established the form of a Mass (Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Agnus Dei).
    Dating of the mass is controversial
  • Period: 1500 to 1570

    Tielman Susato

    Composer active in Antwerp
  • Period: 1500 to 1554

    Philip van Wilder

    Franco-Flemish composer active in England
  • 1504

    Pocket Watch

    Invented by Peter Henlein
  • 1512

    Michelangelo paints the Sistine Chapel

  • 1517

    95 Theses

    Martin Luther complains about the Catholic Church. He later founded Protestantism
  • 1551

    Het derde musyck boexken alderhande danserye

    Book of dances composed by Susato
  • 1557

    Spain declares bankruptcy

  • 1559

    Queen Elizabeth the First Coronated

  • 1565


    Invented by Conrad Gesner
  • Toilet

    Invented by Sir John Harrington
  • Weep O Mine Eyes

    Composed by John Bennett
  • The Third Booke of Songs

    Composed by John Dowland