Timeline 1

  • 3000 BCE

    Paleolithic Age, Religion

    Paleolithic Age, Religion
    Each city had its own God. Rivers were highly important. Ziggurat's were highly used and praised. God's controlled everything, and Kings were chosen by God's.
  • 3000 BCE

    Paleolithic Age, Summerians

    Paleolithic Age, Summerians
    12 independent city-states. Wars occurred over water rights and land boundaries.
  • 2600 BCE

    Greek-City State

    Greek-City State
    Early Aegean Civilizations
    Minoans- Crete, wealth, magnificence, palaces. They were invaded and overpowered by the Mycenaean's.
  • 2000 BCE

    Greek-City State

    Greek-City State
    Mycenaean's borrowed from the Minoan culture, they were warriors
  • 1792 BCE

    King Hammurabi

    King Hammurabi
    Laws rested on the authority of the God's.
  • 1450 BCE

    Paleolithic Age, Empire Builders

    Paleolithic Age, Empire Builders
    Hitittes were people that were aggressive, had a well-trained army, and had the use of iron weapons and tools
  • 1100 BCE

    Empire Builders

    Empire Builders
    Assyria used siege weapons, armor, had efficient administrator's.
  • 612 BCE

    Empire Builder's

    Empire Builder's
    Neo-Babylonia, Nebuchadnezzar was the king of Babylon, hanging gardens
  • 499 BCE

    Greek-City State, Athenian Greatness

    Greek-City State, Athenian Greatness
    Persian War
    Ionian Greeks of Asia, Minor Rebel against Persians
  • 495 BCE

    Persian Wars

    Persian Wars
    Pericles - Period of outstanding achievement in sculpture, politics, drama, architecture, and philosophy
  • 490 BCE

    Persian Wars

    Persian Wars
    Darius I Invaded Attica
  • 480 BCE

    Persian Wars

    Persian Wars
    Xerxes invades with 250,000 men and 500 troops.
  • 479 BCE

    Persian War

    Persian War
    Battle of Plataea resulted in a significant land victory for the Greeks. Triggered 'Golden Age' for Athens
  • 336 BCE

    Alexandria City

    Alexandria City
    Commercial center, was the center of learning. Great library, had the largest Hebrew community. Septuagint
  • 250 BCE


    Mingling of people, and interaction of cultures. Eastern religions moved westward. Numerous cities founded were based on the Greek Model; architecture, sculpture, drama, poetry, schools, and temples.