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Niels Bohr
This timeline details the contributions of Niels Bohr to the world of physics and mathematics. -
Niels Bohr - Atomic Model
Niels Bohr postulated that "...electrons could only occupy particular orbits determined by the quantum of action and that electromagnetic radiation from an atom occurred only when an electron jumped to a lower-energy orbit." (Nobel Media) This is the current-day model of the atom, with a nucleus and levels of orbits of electrons.
Hank Green on Niels Bohr -
Niels Bohr - Copenhagen interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
He, along with Werner Heisenberg and Max Born, developed the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics (Aaserud), which involved the correspondence principle, statistical interpretation of the wave function, and complementarity. -
Niels Bohr - Compound Nucleus
Bohr developed the theory of the nucleus of an atom being a compound structure. This would describe the atom as being not simply a nucleus and electrons, but the nucleus also being comprised of protons and neutrons. -
Niels Bohr - Fission
Partially due to Bohr's theory on the compound nucleus, "Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann were able to discover a new element (Barium) by bombarding uranium with neutrons." ("Niels Bohr Announces the Discovery of Fission")