
  • Assassination Of Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination Of  Franz Ferdinand
    Franz Ferdinand was the next upcoming emperor. Because of this, a terrorist group, The Black Hand tried to killed him but failed with trying to bomb him. Later that evening, Ferdinand wanted to check on victims that was injured from the bomb attempt. On his way there, the driver made a wrong turn and one of the guys from the terrorist group just happened to be on the street ,they made a wrong turn on and he spotted Franz and he shot Franz and his pregnant wife that was there.
  • Austria-Hungary VS Serbia

    Austria-Hungary VS Serbia
    Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia which caused the start of World War 1.
  • Battle Of Mons

    Battle Of Mons
    The British Expeditionary Force arrived at France to meet with the French army. On their way there, they met the advanced German army. They were planning to stop the Germans by destroying the bridges over the Mon-Conde canal. But that didn't go as planned.
  • Battle of Heligoland

    Battle of Heligoland
    Admiral Sir David Beatty plan was to draw the German Navy into a sea battle. The Germans lost three cruisers and a destroyer. This action helped Beatty with his reputation. The decision was to make him Commander of the Grand Fleet as a replace for Sir John Jellicoe
  • First Battle Of The Marne

    First Battle Of The Marne
    French allies with Britain to confront Germany army for invading. They had successfully managed a counterattack which drove Germans back to the north of the Aisne River. The defeat was meant to end German plans and plan for a France victory. This lasted September 6-9, 1914.
  • Battle Of Doggerbank

    Battle Of Doggerbank
    Admiral Franz von Hipper and First High Sea bombarded the costal towns of Scarborough, Hartlepool and Whitby, This action caused 18 civilians to be killed and caused great anger against Germany and Royal Navy for failing to protect the British coast.
  • Italy VS Austria-Hungary

    Italy VS Austria-Hungary
    Italy declared war Austria-Hungary.
  • Germany VS Portugal

    Germany VS Portugal
    Germany declared war on Portugal because it was an response to the Portuguese government when they order their Navy to seized German ships in its harbour.
  • Battle Of Jutland

    Battle Of Jutland
    Admiral Reinhardt von Sheer order Admiral Franz von Hipper and 40 ships to start a sweep on along the Danish coast.
  • 2nd Battle Of the Aisne

    2nd Battle Of the Aisne
    Robert Nivelle thought that a massive onslaught on German Lines will be cause a victory in 2 days. The Germany Seventh army had a little trouble defending its entrenched positions but the French had over 40,000 casualties in the first day and also lost 150 tanks. Nivelle didn't want to accept that his plan was not coming together.
  • French Tanks Used For The First Time

    French Tanks Used For The First Time
    During the 2nd Battle Of The Aisne, the first Char Schneider was performing very badly. It was difficult to use and it was really dangerous for soldiers
  • 3rd Battle Of The Aisne

    3rd Battle Of The Aisne
    General Erick von Ludendorff decided that he wanted to try and win his territory after a year of the 2nd Battle of the Aisne. On May 27th, 4,000 gun preliminary bombardment caused heavy causalities from the Allied front lines. That was followed by a gas attack from the German Army.
  • 2nd Battle Of the Marne

    2nd Battle Of the Marne
    The German attacked the French Fourth Army on the Marne and took them to the west. The Germans failed to break through and General Ferdinand Foch was about to plan an counterattack.
  • Paris Peace Conference

    Paris Peace Conference
    The Paris Peace Conference was to negotiate the post war-world which was lead by the 5 major powers: United States, Britain, Franc, Italy and Japan.
  • Treaty Of Versailles

    Treaty Of Versailles
    On July 28th, 1919, the Treaty of Versailles was signed to officially end WW1. The 5 major powers made Germany paid for all damaged for being the ones to start the war.