Charles Babbage
credited with first idea of programmable computer. -
Edith clarke
first female electrical engineer -
John atanasoff
American physcist and inventor -
Reynold Johnson
long time employee of IBM, inventor of disk drive. -
Konrad Zuse
Worlds first fullyfunctional programmable computer. -
Alan Turing
was a computer scientist, logician and crypt analyst. -
Jean Bartik
Original programmer for the ENIAC computer. -
Philip Estridge
led develpment of original IBM personal computer. -
Adam Osborne
created first commercially available portable computing device called osborne 1 -
Barbara Liskov
American computer scientist who is an institute professor at the Massachusetts institute of technology. -
Steve Wozniak
founder of apple -
Steve Jobs
Created the company apple and atari. -
James Gosling
is a canadian computer scientist. -
Bill Gates
American computer programmer and co founder microsoft corporation. -
Linus torvalds
creator of the Linux operating system