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  • birthday

    i am celebrating my birday on september 13th. i will eat a lot ice cream many people will come and my family too. i am going to receive gifts.
  • hotbed

    i am going to hotbed every friday. whwre we do several activities such as visit ather universities and axchange ideas.
  • halloween

    october is the month of hallowen. it is calebrated on october 31th; so i will obtain candies.
  • family holiday

    family holiday
    we are going to reserve a place for family holiday. we are going to go on nobenber 9th
  • prom

    additionally on nobember 25th, i am going to go to prom.that day will be fantastic because we are going to enjoy the party. we will go to a from, then return at 8pm.
  • christmas

    every year we celebrate christmas. so w will get together on december 25th.
  • happy new year

    happy new year
    besides we will celebrate the new year on december 31th, we will do a diner to share it with all mey family and relatives. we are going to see the fire works, we will hug each other.
  • travel

    i am saving for travel, so i am making a raffle. the travel will be on january 10th.
  • return trip

    return trip
    we will return to city on january 25th.
  • foundation degree

    foundation degree
    i am going to be in the foundation degree on february 12th during three months.