Plimgims left england
a company of english merchants asking king james 1 for the right to establish a settlement
The king granted the request of the new settlement
The first 105 colonist arrived in america
Pligrims moved to the netherlands
400 more colonist arrived in jamestown
only 60 stayed alived
a dutch ship brought the first africans to virginia
george calvert,the lord of balitmoreasked king charles 1 for a charter for a new colony for catholics
a ship called may flower left england
the pilgrimss landed at plymouth rock in present day massachussetts
the english crown cancled the companys charter
colonist began to have more rights to their land
charles granted a group of purtitans and merchants a charter to settle new england
a fleet of ships carrying puritans colonist left england to seek religon freedom
charles issued a charter to calverts son
a group of 200 english catholics came to maryland
thomas hooker and followers left massachusetts
hooker wrote the fundamental orders of connecticut
a growing number of protestants began moving thousands of men, woman, and children left england
the general court of massachusetts issued an order that a school for every town
the toleration act bill made it a crime to restict the religous rights
most africans in virginia being kept in a long life of slavery
the english king charles gave much of the land between florida
the duke of york made sir georgia calvert and lora john berkeley new jersey
a english fleet captured the underfended colony of new aannsterdam
a group of former indentured servants led by nathaniel bacon attached some friendly indians
king charles agreeded to grant penn a charter to begin a colony west new jersey
duke of york sold penn a region of south pennslyvania
enslaved africans rather than endured servants became the main of source of labor.
a colony seperated into north and south carolina
the proprietary governments was overthrown
the crown then purchased north and south carolina making them royal colonies
about 20,000 enslaved africans were living in the colony compared too some 10,000 white settlers
king george 2 granted a charter to james oglethrope and other trustees to found georgis
james and 120 coloniosts mostly from england founded the city of savanna georgia
the british governmentr made georgia a royal colony with new laws
philidelphia had become the largest british colony city
about 135,000 endured servants came to the middle colonies
delaware was a part of pennslyvania until this year