
By jsidhu
  • Launched by USSR

  • John Licklider

    John Licklider
    Licklider published a paper called the "Galactic Network" where he set out his vision of a computer network that was accessible to everyone.
  • Computer Research Program

    Computer Research Program
    Leonard Kleinrock published Information Flow in Large Communication Nets
  • Plans for ARPANET were published

    When ARPANET was published, turns out that teams at MIT, the National Physics Laboratory and by RAND Corporation were all been working on similar ideas.
  • ARPANET starts growing

    ARPANET started to grow so much that by 1969 it was made up of four host computers as with the addition of research centres in Santa Barbara and Utah.
  • Goes public

    The first public demonstration of ARPANET at the First International Conference on Computers and Communication in Washington D.C where computers from 40 different locations were networked together,
  • TCP/IP

    development of transmission control protocol/internet protocol (TCP/IP) at ARPA
  • Emoticons

    Kevin Mackenzie suggested the use of emoticons in the dry text.
  • Introduction of DNS = Data Network Service

    Paul Mockapetris and Jon Postel introduce DNS.