
By narelle
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    The First Gladiators

    The First Gladiators
    The first gladiators came from Campania.
    The first people that were gladiators were usually elderly slaves or trouble makers who would not be missed by their owners. The word 'Gladiator' means a man with a Gladius and that was a sword used for stabbing that was used by the Romans, it was about 40centimetres long and had a sharp point.
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    3rd Century

    3rd Century
    The first decades of this century had a balance between the Greek Hellenistic kindom in the east and the great mercantile power of Carthage in the west. But one the the Cathage and the Roman Republic called the Carthaginian Republic destroyed the balance.
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    Alexander The Great

    Alexander The Great
    Alexander the great was the king of Macedon that is in the North of Greece. Alexander wish to end the world and the Great Outer Sea. In 334 BC he invaded Persian, ruled Asia Minor, began a series of campaigns that lasted ten years and in 326 he invaded India.
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    Political Institutions

    Political Institutions
    In Athens and other places like Mediterranean world, they was a big development for Political Institutions, art ,architecture and literature.
  • Jan 1, 750

    War With Troy

    War With Troy
    In 750 BC there was a war between the Greeks and the Trojans. The Trojans lived in a weathy city on the west coast of Asia Minor that is now called Turkey. One day the Greeks throught of a amazing plan to destroy the Trojans as they could not get through their forces and so they made a huge hollow wooden horse that they hid there solders in. The Trojens believed that this horse was a gift from the gods, so they acepted it. Once they put the horse in their city the Greeks defeated the Trojens.
  • Jan 1, 1000

    The Very First Mummy

    The Very First Mummy
    Osiris was the first mummy.
    Osiris brother Set hated Osiris because he feared the citicens of Egypt liked his brother more than himself, so he killed Osiris. But soon Osiris wife Isis found his body and covered it with cloth,
  • Jan 1, 1334


    Tutankhamun became king when he was 8 years old.
    As he was too young to rule Egypt, two of his ministers took charge on his behalf. These people were Ay, chief minister and Horemheb, head of the army
    He died when he was 17 years old his body was mumified and buried in a tomb.
  • First Pyramid

    First Pyramid
    The first pyramid was a step pyramid made in the desert at Saqqara. This pyramid was made for the pharaoh to climb to the top and talk to the gods.
  • First Civilisation

    First Civilisation
    The first known civilisation was Sumeria.
  • The Age Of The Dinosaurs

    The Age Of The Dinosaurs
    Dinosuars lived through the Mesozoic Era which began 245 million years ago and lasted for 180 million years.
    Dinosaurs became extinct dure to a massive asteroid or comet colliding with Earth. Scientist believed that when the asteroid or comet hit Earth the collision was so powerful that so much dust went into the air, the problem with this was that all sunlight became lost so plants and animals died.