Time X Info= History

  • Birth

    I was born
  • Period: to


  • I start Kindergarten K-4

    I start Kindergarten K-4
    I start kindergarden
  • I continue Kindergarten K-5

  • I begin elementary 1st Grade

    I begin elementary 1st Grade
  • Continued Elementary 2nd Grade

  • Sitll in Elementary School 3rd Grade

  • Moved from WI to GA

    Moved from WI to GA
  • Elementary School...4th Grade

  • Stone Mountain Park, GA

    Stone Mountain Park, GA
  • Almost done with Elementary School 5th Grade

  • Middle School begins 6th Grade

    Middle School begins 6th Grade
  • Moved from Georgia to Michigan

    Moved from Georgia to Michigan
  • Middle School is Almost Done 7th Grade

  • Last year of Middle School 8th Grade

  • First Gun shot

  • Six Flags

    Six Flags
    End of the year school trip
  • HighSchool Begins Freshman

    HighSchool Begins Freshman
  • Hichschool Continued Sophmore

  • Now a Junior

  • College Visitation

    College Visitation