Time Toast Timeline (period 7)

  • Construction of the Panama Canal

    Construction of the Panama Canal
    The Construction of the Panama Canal was important for not only economic reasons but also for establishing themselves as a dominant power in Latin America.
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Roosevelt Corollary
    The Roosevelt Corollary was an important diplomatic policy that helped assert American dominance in Latin America by making themself the controlling figure and limiting the intervention of European countries.
  • Root-Takahira Agreement

    Root-Takahira Agreement
    The Root-Takahira Agreement was another important event in this time period that was important for exerting the United States as a world power. By intervening with foriegn affairs in Europe and Asia the country puts the world on stand by as a major power.
  • Payne-Aldrich Bill

    Payne-Aldrich Bill
    The Payne-Aldrich Bill was a foreign policy that had the direct interest of the United States at hand. By raising taxes on imports America hoped to help their own economy grow.
  • Panama Canal Tolls Act of 1912

    Panama Canal Tolls Act of 1912
    The Panama Canal Tolls Act of 1912 was another example of foreign interactions effecting the diplomacy of the United States. Again the United States exerts dominance in Latin America by setting a policy that foregoes taxes on their ships.
  • Passing of the 17th Amendment

    Passing of the 17th Amendment
    The passing of the 17th Amendment was important as it allowed for the American people to be more involved in elections.
  • Wilson's original neutrality proclamation

    Wilson's original neutrality proclamation
    When World War I breaks out in Europe President Wilson declares that the United States would not intervene in the war over seas to the delight of most Americans. By declaring neutrality the United States shows strength and it allows them to carry on course without outside influence
  • Wilson's fourteen points

    Wilson's fourteen points
    In January of 1918, President Wilson addressed his fourteen points speech. The main effects of the fourteen points would change American relations on the global stage and allow their presence to be felt around the world.
  • Creation of the League of Nations

    Creation of the League of Nations
    The League of Nations was a peace keeping organization that was proposed by the United States for after the war. This was a direct effect of America's foreign interactions effecting diplomacy. Eventually after the creation of the League, America decides that it was not in its best interest to join.
  • Red Scare

    Red Scare
    The Red Scare was a prime example how foreign interactions has direct diplomatic effects on the homeland of the country. In the homeland the effects of discriminated against the idea of communism further advancing the United States' belief that they can intervene in other countries in the world.
  • The Emergency Quota Act and Immigration Act

    The Emergency Quota Act and Immigration Act
    The Emergency Quota Act and Immigration Acts were put in place to restrict the amount of immigrants coming from Europe and the had a complete restriction on Japanese immigrants. As a part of the United States' isolationist foreign movement, America restricted immigrants through their diplomacy.
  • Stock Market Crash 1929

    Stock Market Crash 1929
    The Stock Market Crash of 1929 was a crash that was originated in the United States that had catastrophic effects on the global market. The fact that the crash in the United States had such effects on the European markets also supports the fact that the country is a global power.
  • Stimson Doctrine

    Stimson Doctrine
    This doctrine stated that the United States would not recognize any territory that is taken by force from another country.
  • President Roosevelt's "Good Neighboor Policy"

    President Roosevelt's "Good Neighboor Policy"
    When President Hoover came into office he sought to improve relations with Latin American countries mainly Haiti and Nicaragua. As a result President Roosevelt removed soldiers as a result of the policy.
  • Congress passes several Neutrality Acts

    Congress passes several Neutrality Acts
    These acts passed by congress were designed to keep America from engaging in another war and to keep America's best interests in hand.