time toast project

By s70626
  • clothing, popover dress, dior, utility clothing

    clothing, popover dress, dior, utility clothing
    lack of matierlas because of ww2, wanted something fun in post war, was fun to wear and did not use a lot of matierials
  • toys, slinky, lego, puzzles

    toys, slinky, lego, puzzles
    Slinky was Invented by richard james
    Legos are still very popular
    The first one was a map of countries that you had to place
  • athlete tom Harmon

    athlete tom Harmon
    Played for Michigan in college
    Played for the rams in the NFL
    Inducted into the .college football hall of fame in 1954
  • ww2 news event

    ww2 news event
    most deadly war in history
    America joined because of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour
    jets were invented towards the end by nazi Germany
  • transportation,Chevrolet Special DeLuxe Fleetline

    transportation,Chevrolet Special DeLuxe Fleetline
    Over 61,000 were produced
    It was cheveys most sold car in 1942
    It was called the fleetline because the top trim level had 3 stainless steel lines on the front
  • singer, bing crosby, loui armstrong, frank sinatra

    singer, bing crosby, loui armstrong, frank sinatra
    Bing Crosby did movies as well as music. Frank Sinatra's career took off in 1943-46. louis Armstrong's nickname was Satchmo because off his big mouth he was called a satchel mouth as a kid and somebody mispronounced it and it stuck
  • actor, Humphrey bogart

    actor, Humphrey bogart
    He was in the navy
    He had his first major gig in the mid-1920s
    Named best male actor of the 1900s
  • 30 seconds over tokyo movie

    30 seconds over tokyo movie
    Follows doolittles journey to bombing tokyo
    Written by Dalton Trumbo
    the movie was based on the 1943 memoir by Capt. Ted W. Lawson
  • president

    only president to serve more than 2 terms
    was the 32nd president
    led American forces to victory over the axis powers of ww2
  • technology, atomic bomb

    technology, atomic bomb
    the first one was dropped august 6, 1945
    the first one was also dropped on japan
    it was dropped to end the war quick
  • show, the lone ranger

    show, the lone ranger
    The main character was never seen without his mask
    It could have been based on real story according to historians
    Made by George w trindle