Time toast

  • French Revolution. The village occupies the Bastille.

    French Revolution. The village occupies the Bastille.
    The French Revolution was a period of radical political and societal change in France that began with the Estates General of 1789
  • Beginning of the war of independence in Spain.

    Beginning of the war of independence in Spain.
    The war of independence in Spain started in 1808 vs the king of france
  • The defeat of Waterloo marks the end of Napoleon's military power

    The defeat of Waterloo marks the end of Napoleon's military power
    The Battle of Waterloo, in which Napoleon's forces were defeated by the Prussians and the British (led by the Duke of Wellington), marked the end of his reign and of France's domination in Europe.
  • First steam locomotive in the Iberian Peninsula.

    First steam locomotive in the Iberian Peninsula.
    The first railway line in the Iberian Peninsula was built in 1848 between Barcelona and Mataró
  • The Eiffel Tower, a sample of the iron architecture of the s.XIX.

    The Eiffel Tower, a sample of the iron architecture of the s.XIX.
    The effiel tower was cerated in 1889 by effiel
  • Picasso begins a new pictorial style, Cubism.

    Picasso begins a new pictorial style, Cubism.
    Picassso begins famous by painting abstractal things
  • World War I ends with more than 12 million dead.

    World War I ends with more than 12 million dead.
    The world war inicied by hittler,Germmany, and enden on 11 nov of 1918
  • The Russian Revolution establishes a socialist regime (USSR).

    The Russian Revolution establishes a socialist regime (USSR).
    The russian Revolution beggin in 1917