jean Sammet
Jean Summethelped change the face of the world through developments in computers. -
Reynold Johnson
ReynoldInvented electronic scoring, and is the father of the disk drive. -
John Atanasoff
john Geman civil engineer, inventor, and computer pioneer. -
Alan Turing
AlanFather of theoretical computer science and artificial intellegance. -
Leonard Kleinrock
LeonardHelped create the first networking system. -
Adam Osborne
AdamCreated the 1st protible computer and founded the software company called "Paperback Software". -
Alan Cooper
CooperFather of visual basics and the founder of Cooper. -
Abhay Bhushan
Contributer to the development of teh internet TCP/IP -
Steve Wozniak
Co- Founder of Apple Inc. -
Steve Jobs
Steve JobsCo- Founder and chairman cheif exective officer of Apple Inc. -
Tim Berners-Lee
TimCreated the world wide web (www). -
Bill Gates
Bill GatesFounded Microsoft on April 4, 1975 and the worlds largest personal .com -
Robert Morris
RobertCreated the first worm on the internet. -
Barbara Liskov
BarbaraCo- founder of CEO.