time period 7

  • monroe doctrine

    The Monroe doctrine warned European nations that the US no longer supported colonization. The doctrine affected N&S America along with Europe and Latin America​. President James first mentioned the doctrine at the state of the union address.
  • Manhattan project

    Manhattan project
    this produced the first nuclear weapons. this took place in Tennessee.
  • square deal

    square deal
    Roosevelt created the three C's, conservation of natural resources, control of corporations, and consumer protection.
  • hawaiian annexation

    hawaiian annexation
    This annexation allowed the US to expand into the pacific. It affected France​ and GB as well. This was a power move by the US because it helped power the economy and gave them more power.
  • open door policy

    open door policy
    This policy was made so the US could expand and get industrialized goods. This was created by the Chinese and affected the US and other European​ powers.
  • panama canal

    panama canal
    The canal was created for faster export of goods within the trade system.
  • the jungle

    the jungle
    It was a book that exposed the inhuman industry of meatpacking​. This book led to federal food safety laws and this took place in Chicago.
  • meat inspection act

    meat inspection act
    It made sure that all meat was properly inspected before it was sent off ​and made sure that it was good for people to eat.

    This led to African Americans having more rights and freedoms in America. It gave them the right to have political, economical​ and educational equality.
  • 16th amendment

    16th amendment
    The 16th amendment allowed government to collect taxes and fun government activities with them.
  • Great White Fleet

    Great White Fleet
    this was the name for the US Navy battleships.
  • bull moose party

    bull moose party
    this was a movement for women against alcohol so Roosevelt formed his own progressive party known as the bull moose party.
  • 17th amendment

    17th amendment
    The 17th amendment change the way senators elected into Congress.
  • Federal reserve act

    Federal reserve act
    The act made it to where there wouldn’t be a downfall in currency again.
  • Federal trade commission

    Federal trade commission
    this prevented unfair methods of competition in commerce.
  • lusitania

    afternoon it’s saying the US entered World War I. This happened 11 miles off the coast of Ireland.
  • NWP

    this fight for women’s rights.
  • lost generation

    lost generation
    this is the generation that came of age during World War I and had no direction.
  • red scare

    red scare
    The red scare made America more open side on their view of communism which led to stricter laws.
  • Espionage act

    Espionage act
    this help keep the US and their secrets safe from enemies or spies.
  • jazz

    jazz originated in New Orleans and was away for black culture to express the musicality.
  • 14 points

    14 points
    The 14 points are peace principles that lead negotiations to end world war one.
  • national war labor board

    national war labor board
    this helped solve disputes in labor during wartime production.
  • sedition act

    sedition act
    this made it so only things that supported America were published.
  • World War I armistice

    World War I armistice
    The armistice allowed it to infighting in the ocean the air and on land.
  • Palmer raids

    Palmer raids
    Woodrow Wilson send them to capture an arrest suspected leftists during the first red scare.
  • jones act

    jones act
    This was an act created that made it to where US goods had to be shipped and carried out by only US exports.
  • Harlem Renaissance

    Harlem Renaissance
    turning point in black or true history lead to more representation of black culture.
  • treaty of Versailles

    treaty of Versailles
    this was the peace treaty that ended World War I.
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    this organization was made to maintain world peace.
  • Dawes plan

    Dawes plan
    this resulted shoe in World War I that Germany had to pay reparations.
  • nine power china treaty

    nine power china treaty
    this light on nations involved in the war continue to do business with China.
  • teapot dome scandal

    teapot dome scandal
    this was a bribery scandal involving President Warren in the United States.
  • dust bowl

    dust bowl
    resulted from years of unsustainable agriculture that destroyed native grasslands.
  • scopes trial

    scopes trial
    this brought attention to the teaching of theology and modern science in school.
  • reconstruction finance Corporation

    reconstruction finance Corporation
    helped lend money during the depression.
  • 21st amendment

    21st amendment
    this rebottled the 18th amendment because government needed to collect taxes from the purchase of alcohol during the great depression.
  • New deal

    New deal
    this helped with relief and reform and the recovery from the great depression.
  • Tennessee Valley Authority

    Tennessee Valley Authority
    this helped flooding and providing electricity to homes and businesses in Tennessee.
  • first hundred days

    first hundred days
    this was created to ensure that the president would be successful throughout the term.
  • Wagner act

    Wagner act
    this allowed it so people could take strikes and organize trade unions etc.
  • social Security act

    social Security act
    it established a system of benefits for workers or victims of industrial accidents and aid for people not able to support themselves.
  • quarantine speech

    quarantine speech
    this needed to be an international quarantine against lawlessness by aggressive nations. this try to neutralize everything.
  • holocaust

    This was the World War II genocide against the Jews by Germany among 6 million Jews were killed which is 2/3 of Europe’s Jewish population.
  • Island hopping

    Island hopping
    this helped the US take over islands and use them as new military bases.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    this was an important naval victory of World War II for America.
  • Rosie the riveter

    Rosie the riveter
    this represented women who worked in typical male environments during World War II.
  • D-day

    this was the event that led to the surrender of Nazi Germany. This took place in France.
  • Japan surrendered

    Japan surrendered
    The surrender of Japan is what ended World War II. This took place in Tokyo Bay.
  • United Nations

    United Nations
    this was established to keep peace among the nations this took place in New York.
  • yellow journalism

    yellow journalism
    these are terms in America associated with newspapers that have no legitimate news have exaggerated titles.