2004-2005 Academic Year
As a new student in 2004, a student waas required to pay a $100 fee to attend New Student Orientation (NSO), a required program. For the complete list of fees for 2004-2005, please check here: http://catalog.spfldcol.edu/content.php?catoid=6&navoid=94#.VjdZY7RbRlI -
2005-2006 Academic Year
In just a year, the cost to attend NSO has risen to $110. For the complete list of fees for 2005-2006, please check here: http://catalog.spfldcol.edu/content.php?catoid=17&navoid=252#.VjdaSbRbRlI -
2006-2007 Academic Year
The price stays the same in 2006 at $110. For the complete list of fees for 2006-2007, please check here: http://catalog.spfldcol.edu/content.php?catoid=26&navoid=360#.VjdaMrRbRlI -
2007-2008 Academic Year
The price stays constant for one more year in 2007 at $110. For the complete list of fees for 2007-2008, please check here: http://catalog.spfldcol.edu/content.php?catoid=28&navoid=398#.VjdaX7RbRlI -
2008-2009 Academic Year to Present
The price rises at a greater rate than any previously mentioned year, as it jumps from $110 to $125. It has stayed this way until present day. For the complete list of fees for 2008-2009, please check here: http://catalog.spfldcol.edu/content.php?catoid=32&navoid=459#.VjdakbRbRlI For any catalog, which will include the fee list per academic year, please check: http://springfield.edu/registrar/springfield-college-catalogs