
time movements of art

  • Jan 1, 1400

    1400-1600 renaissance art

    1400-1600 renaissance art
    italian rnaissance artThe word Renaissance literally means rebirth and is the French translation of the Italian Rinascita. The two principle components of Renaissance style are the following a revival of the classical forms originally developed by the ancient Greeks and Romans, and an intensefied concern with secular life-interest in humanism and assertion of the importance of the individual. paintings, sculptures, and architecture are the types of art work done in this time period
  • Jan 1, 1430

    Carlo Crivelli (1430-1495)

    Carlo Crivelli (1430-1495)
    He became an artist in1457. He was born in venice and probably trained with squarcione in padua. carlo was inspired with the vivarini at an early stage. he was an active artist in 1457 when he was accused in venice of adultery. he made alter pieces in the marches and was successful with it. his type of artwork was painting and he use paint and paint brushes to do his work. he reflected back to the classic time of rome and greece.
  • Realism/ Naturalism 1850-1900

    Realism/ Naturalism 1850-1900
    a way of art were the subject is painted the way he or she was seen.
  • Edwin Austin Abbey 1852-1911

    Edwin Austin Abbey 1852-1911
    He was born in Philadelphia and began his training as an artist under issac williams. He painted 5 murels in the hall of repersented in Harrisberg, Pennsilvanna. He does mainly oil paintings he also did murals and illistrations. He did bold techniques when painting. He became an artist at age 14 so in the year 1866.
  • 20th century art 1900-present

    20th century art 1900-present
    it began in England in the mid 1950s. it came to the united states in the early 1960s. pop art focuses on everyday object that gives an adoption of commercial art techniques.
  • Paul Jackson Pollock january 28, 1912 augaust 11, 1956

    Paul Jackson Pollock january 28, 1912 augaust 11, 1956
    He was a pop and absract expresionisim artist he is known to be an extreme alcholism. He died in a car accident. After he died there were large retrospective exhibits were made to honor his work.he was born in Cody, Wyoming and his death place was Springs, New York. He became an artist at age 28 so in the year 1940