time line project by mikael conn 5th period

  • ryan and sarah go to the house of usher

    ryan and sarah go to the house of usher
    rumours of a shady figure huanting the old usher estate so ryan and sarah (with camras and lights) go to investagate are to see if they are true
  • ryan finds ghost and becomes paranoid

    ryan finds ghost and becomes paranoid
    ryan gose to the usher estate ALONE! the "ghost" finds and haunts ryan and drives him simi insane
  • ryan is sent to insane asyslum

    ryan is sent to insane asyslum
    ryan is sent to an asylum and claims that the phantom has followed hi and is trying to kill him
  • the phantom is gone kinda

    the phantom is gone kinda
    ryan brakes out from the asylum and defeats the phantom but the phantom swears he will return
  • trys to find sarah

    trys to find sarah
    after ryan escapes and outruns the phontom temporairaly he trys to reinunite with sarah but she has left the town
  • sarah and ryan come back together

    sarah and ryan come back together
    after days spent in the woods he found in the town that she now lives in
  • ryan is sent back to skelaton creek

    ryan is sent back to skelaton creek
    after he talks to sarah she demands him to go back to skelaton creek
  • the phantom returns

    the phantom returns
    ryan returns to skeleton creek and meet with the phontom