Time Line - Period 1

  • Period: 1401 to 1500

    Development of Nation States

    The development of Nation-States changed the political powers in Europe. Many smaller territories came together, while many larger Kingdoms began to split. With the creation of Nation-States people tended to live near others who shared similar beliefs, allowing different religious ideas to grow a following.
  • 1492

    Catholic Victory In Spain

    The victory over the Islamic Moors in the city of Granada encouraged the Spaniards and gave them another reason for expansion. With the Spaniards belief that God will give them power and support them, the Spaniards would begin to grow Catholicism and it's influence across Europe.
  • Period: 1492 to

    Colombian Exchange

    The Colombian Exchange was the exchange of foods, animals, and technologies between the New and Old worlds. The New world would be introduced to new tools and animals, along with sicknesses like Smallpox. The Old world would have access to spices and crops that improved their diets greatly, increasing their population immensely.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus lands in the Bahamas

    The beginning of many negative interactions between the Europeans and the Natives. After Columbus' first interaction with the Natives, many of the indigenous people would be killed and enslaved. Led to Many large European powers like England and France colonizing the Americas.
  • 1500

    Protestant Reformation

    With Catholic powers growing, other religious ideas would begin to grow and challenge the Catholic powers. Many northern European powers questioned the authority of the Pope and challenged his beliefs. With the rift between Protestants and Catholics growing, both groups went in search of growing their religions.
  • Period: 1550 to 1551

    Valladolid Debate

    A debate between Bartolome de Las Casas and Juan Gines de Sepulveda. The debate questioned the humanity of the Natives. Though de las Casa was unable to gain rights for Natives he was able to establish the idea of Native humanity in European culture.