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Time Line of the Transition to the Modern World

  • Period: 1346 to 1353

    The Black Death

    The Black Death was a widespread epidemic that killed millions of people in Europe. It is significant because it caused the collapse of Feudalism, and changes society to where there is a middle class
  • 1440

    The invention of the printing press

    The invention of the printing press
    In 1439, Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. The Invention of the printing press made it a lot easier to print books. Because of this, books and knowledge was spread all around Europe, and led to a revolution of new thinking and knowledge.
  • 1492

    Columbus lands in the Caribbean Islands

    Columbus lands in the Caribbean Islands
    Columbus landed in the Caribbean Islands in 1492 where went on to enslave hundreds of thousands of natives. while Columbus was a terrible person, he solved the theory that the Earth wasn't flat and began an age of exploration where many people began to explore outside of Asia, Europe and Africa.
  • 1503

    The painting of Mona Lisa

    The painting of Mona Lisa
    The Mona Lisa was a portrait of a lady by Leonardo Da Vinci in 1503. Mona Lisa was important because it now the most well known painting in the world and is a prime example of Renaissance art.
  • 1509

    The painting of The Schools of Athens

    The painting of The Schools of Athens
    The schools of Athens was a fresco painted by Michelangelo in 1509. The fresco is a prime example of Renaissance art and it one of the grandest pieces of art during the time period.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Luther's 95 theses

    Luther's 95 theses
    On October 31, Martin Luther pinned 95 theses criticizing the Roman Catholic Church. He changed the way people thought about the Roman Catholic Church and the Church, that used to be the leading organization in the world at that time. People leaving the church changed the way people lived and fewer people needed the church
  • Dec 27, 1571

    The birth of Johannes Kepler

    The birth of Johannes Kepler
    On December 27th, Johannes Kepler was born. He was one of the first people to defend the Copernican system and made huge strides in the field of astronomy. He is also known for Kepler's laws of planetary motion. His innovations in astronomy are still used today, In major organizations such as NASA.
  • The writing of Romeo and Juliet

    The writing of Romeo and Juliet
    Romeo and Juliet was a play written by William Shakespeare. It is one of Shakespeare's most famous plays. It was important because It allowed people in England to enjoy something for quite an inexpensive cost
  • Galileo's telescope

    Galileo's telescope
    Galileo's telescope was a crucial turning point for science, and his telescope was used to debunk the geocentric theory that was thought to be true for thousands of years.
  • Sir Isaac Newton's theory of gravity

    Sir Isaac Newton's theory of gravity
    In 1687, Sir Isaac Newton published his book " Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica" In which he detailed three theories that proved that every object on Earth was affected by a force called gravity. His theories changed the field of science and physics forever and he no known as one of the most important people in physics