
"Time Line of the History of the Internet"

  • Leonard Kleinrock

     Leonard Kleinrock
    Public from the MIT the first paper on the theory of communication packages and on the feasibility of communications track packages instead of circuit.
  • J. C. R. Licklider

    J. C. R.  Licklider
    He was a pioneer of the Internet, with an early vision of a network of computers world long before it was built. What made possible through its funding for research, including the graphical user interface, ARPANET, and the direct predecessor of the Internet.
  • First connection

    First connection
    At the end of 1969, four computers host were connected by them cotogether to the initial ARPANET and it became true of the Internet.
  • First E- mail

    First E- mail
    Already on 23 computers connected to ARPANET, Ray Thomson sent the first E-mail of the history,
  • Internet

    El término “Internet” fue pensado por Vinton Cerf, Yogen Dalal y Carl Sunshine en la Universidad de Stanford para describir una red de protocolo global de control de transmisión/protocolo de Internet (TCP/IP)
  • The first international connection

    The first international connection
    The first international connection to ARPANET, was established to NORSAR in Norway in, shortly before being connected with the University College of London. ARPANET had 2000 users at that time, 75% used it for email mail.
  • Ethernet

    Develops Ethernet, are born the first coaxial cables that allow transport data quickly
  • CompuServe

    CompuServe became the first provider of on-line service offering email mail and technical support for users of personal computers
  • 600 Users

    600 Users
    Sent the first message of unsolicited email that I get to 600 users of ARPANET. Born SPAM.
  • TCP / IP

    TCP / IP
    The machines connected to ARPANET were configured to go to work with the TCP/IP protocol, instead of the NCP used until then.
  • WWW

    Born the World Wide Web, because it arises the need for a search engine to browse the network to find content of our interest. And also arises Gopher, which was looking for within the contents of the web pages and not in the names of the same.
  • Governments use the Internet

    Governments use the Internet
    The White House us as Nations joined the network of networks and began two of the current domains .gov and. org.
  • Internet marketing

    Internet marketing
    The Web becomes commercial. Several developments made possible, as the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), a system of encryption that was developed by Netscape and allowing to perform secure financial transactions online.
  • Google

    Born, revolutionizing the way in which people sought information online.
  • Losses on the Internet

    Losses on the Internet
    A large number of investors lost their money on the Net. Hundreds of companies closed down, some of which never arrived to give benefits to its investors. The NASDAQ, which showed a large number of technology companies, was affected losing 10% of its value in a single day, getting to minimum in October 2002.
  • Internet and more

    Internet and more
    To throw Safari, My Space, Linkedin, Skype, Wordpress and iTuneStore.
  • Users

    Internet reaches the thousand millions of users
  • TV in Internet

    TV in Internet
    Video on demand services television content began to be born ABC, NBC and Fox, allows you to view on-line contents of those chains through the Internet.
  • Google Chrome

    Google Chrome
    Google Chrome launches a web browser developed and compiled based on various components and application development infrastructure
  • First touch web

    First touch web
    Is created the first web site that allows touch interaction.