
Time Line of my Life

By Ion6
  • Birth

    24/10/03 In the Royal Hobart Hospital. UK 2003 Great Britain’s Concord Oct. 24th, 2003: Concorde makes its final commercial passenger flight, traveling at twice the speed of sound from New York City’s John F. Kennedy International Airport to London’s Heathrow Airport.
  • Pre-kinder

    2007 I started pre-kinder. Bulgaria and Romania officially join the European Union. Also, Bulgarian, Romanian, and Irish become official
    languages of the European Union, joining 20 other
    official languages.
  • Lauderdale

    2013 I left my old school in year 4, Lauderdale, to come to Hutchins. 10 people are killed and 120 are injured in a stampede in Luanda, Angola.
  • Hutchins Year 5

    2014 I came to Hutchins for year 5. Truce begins between Free Syrian Army and forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad in northern Damascus.
  • Year 6

    2015 In year 6 we went to Canberra. Lithuania adopts the euro as its currency, replacing the
    litas and becoming the 19th member of the Eurozone.
  • Middle School

    2016 I entered the Middle
    School. After floods along the Mississippi River kill 31, Exxon
    Mobil Corp decides to close a plant in flood threatened Memphis.