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Time line of 8 events (that I think is most important) that happened throughout WW2 (mostly at Hong Kong)

By X.Dazhi
  • Winston Churchill realizes that Hong Kong is in danger and decides to send reinforcements.

    Winston Churchill realizes that Hong Kong is in danger and decides to send reinforcements.
  • 36 Japanese fighters attack Kai Tak airfield and units of the Japanese 23rd cross the Sham Chun Shan river

    36 Japanese fighters attack Kai Tak airfield and units of the Japanese 23rd cross the Sham Chun Shan river
  • Japanese main attack Hong Kong Island

    Japanese main attack Hong Kong Island
  • HK Comanding officer Lawson killed as Fortress Hong Kong captured

    HK Comanding officer Lawson killed as Fortress Hong Kong captured
  • The HK-Kowloon brigade was established from the Guangdong People's anti-Japanese Guerilla force led by Cai Guo-liang

    The HK-Kowloon brigade was established from the Guangdong People's anti-Japanese Guerilla force led by Cai Guo-liang
  • The British Army Aid Group was formed by Colonel Lindsay Ride.

    The British Army Aid Group was formed by Colonel Lindsay Ride.
  • the US dropped an atomic bomb called the “Enola Gay” on Hiroshima, killing over 70,000 instantaneously.

    the US dropped an atomic bomb called the “Enola Gay” on Hiroshima, killing over 70,000 instantaneously.
  • Another atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki

    Another atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki
  • Japan finally surrendered under the pressure of being destroy by atomic bomb.

    Japan finally surrendered under the pressure of being destroy by atomic bomb.