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Time line (New Zeland)

By zongu
  • Jan 1, 1250

    Colonized New Zeland

     Colonized New Zeland
    New Zeland was colonized by Maoris
  • Abel Tasman looks New Zealand but didn’t entered

    Abel Tasman looks New Zealand but didn’t entered
    In 1642, the Dutch navigator Abel Tasman led an expedition to explore the Pacific Ocean on behalf of the Dutch East India Company. During his voyage, Tasman discovered the island of Tasmania, in Australia, and continued to sail east, searching for new land and resources.
  • Waitangi treaty

    Waitangi treaty
    Was signed the Waitangi treaty by Britanic represetants and Maori representants, enabling the Sovereignty of the Crown and change the Maori rights.
  • Start Maori wars

    Start Maori wars
    In 1845 was Start Maori war, the war was made for British expansion.
  • Finish the Maori war

    Finish the Maori war
    In 1872 has finish the Maori war
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    In this year in New Zealand pass the Gold Rush.
  • Women right to vote

    Women right to vote
    New Zealand was the first country was gave women the right to vote.