time line hairy ducks

  • Pujo was born

    Pujo was born
  • Braithwate was born

    Braithwate was born
  • Peruano was born

    Peruano was born
  • Peruano's father went to war

    Peruano's father went to war
    Pedro was transfered to argentina to fight in the war. Days later Pedro died being shot by an Argentine. Thing that inspired us to make duckies
  • carrot bowen was born

    carrot bowen was  born
  • Braithwate meets Peruano

    Braithwate meets Peruano
    Braithwate meets Peruano in a music class. They met at a music school while they were taking their degrees. They had recently moved and together they learned things about the new country.
  • carrot bowen and pujo become friends

    carrot bowen and pujo become friends
    Pujo and Carrot met at school and became friends. They met very soon and made a band the two of them. Later joined Peruano and Braithwaite
  • The Hairy ducks met at the bar

    The Hairy ducks met at the bar
    One inspiring day Pujo and Carrot Bowen created a music band. Pujo was the singer and Carrot Bowen played the battery. But one day Carrot and Pujo met 2 guys that they were muscician and Carrot thought if these two guys could be the other part of the group that was missing, the band accepted Braitwhite and Peruano and this 4 persons later will be the group number 1 in the world.