Time Line for 1492-1607

  • Sep 12, 1295

    Marco Polo

    Marco Polo
    In 1295 Marco told tales of 20 year sojourn in china many believed they may not be the whole truth Made Europeans desire for a cheap route to the East for treasures, but sailors fearded the sea.
  • Jan 12, 1450

    Portugese discovered

    Portugese discovered
    Portuguese were able to develope a caravel-(a ship) that could sail in thw wicked sea.
    Discovered they could return to europe by using the african coast.
    THis aloud them to setup trading post
  • Sep 12, 1492

    The surprise of the unknown

    The surprise of the unknown
    No more than 4 million Natives seen the north continent (Mexico).
    NA were unaware of the historic isolation.
    Na were shocked to the the European "discovery".
  • Oct 12, 1492

    DIscovery of America

    DIscovery of America
    After six weeks of "failure" the crew sighted the Bahamas.
  • Sep 12, 1500


    Spain became the the dominate exploring ans colonizing power.
    They went on search for the 3Gs
  • Sep 13, 1500

    Economic depression

    Economic depression
    Farmers hit the road and many ended as up as being beggers and paupers in city's suchas Bristol and London.
  • Period: Sep 12, 1513 to Sep 12, 1521

    Juan Ponce de Ponce

    explored Florida
  • Nov 12, 1513

    Discovery of Pacific Ocean

    Discovery of Pacific Ocean
    Vasco Nunez dicoved the Pacific Ocean and clamied the land for his kings all the lands by that sea
  • Period: Sep 12, 1519 to Sep 12, 1522

    Ferdinand Magellan

    Started his journey with five ships.
    Storm lashed 4 slaing by the inhabitants of the Philippines.
    With one remaning vessel it got back home completing the first circumnavigation of the golbe.
  • Sep 13, 1519

    Hernan Cortes

    Hernan Cortes
    Set sail from Mexico.
    Went to the aztec Cheif (Moctezuma) and gave his gifts and told him they had a disease of the heart only gold could cure.
    They cheif was okay at first but relized his greed for gold and power .
  • Jun 30, 1520

    Noche Triste

    Noche Triste
    The Aztecs attacked.
  • Period: Sep 12, 1532 to

    Fransico Pizarro

    Conqured the Incas in 1532.
    By the 1600s he was rich with New World silver.
    Metal touched off a price revolution in Europe that increased consumers cost by 500% after the mid-sixteenth century.
    Stimulating the spread of commerce and manufacturing
  • Period: Sep 12, 1539 to Sep 12, 1542

    Hernando de Soto

    Went on a gold expedition.
    he disscovered and crossed the Missippi River and Arkansas River.
    He tortured indians with iron collors and fierce dogs.
    He died and his troops tortured his corpse.
  • Period: Sep 12, 1540 to Sep 12, 1542

    Francisco Coroaado

    fabled golden cities that came out to be adobe pueblos .
    DIscovered the Grand Canyon Colorodo River and foun buffalo.
  • Period: Sep 13, 1570 to Sep 13, 1580

    Queen Elizibeth

    troops crush Irish
  • Spanish Armada

    Spanish Armada
    Begininng of the end of spanish imperial dreams
  • Battle of Acoma

    Battle of Acoma
    The spaniards cruelly abused the pueblo .
    One FOOT was SERVED to each survivor.
  • KIng James I settlement in the New World

    KIng James I settlement in the New World
    King James I wanted to settle becase of the promised Gold and strong desires to to find a passage through America to the Indies .
  • James Town

    James Town
    Because of king James I death they named this site JamesTown.
  • Captial of Santa Fe

    Captial of Santa Fe
    Founded after Battel of Acoma
  • Pope's Rebelion

    Pope's Rebelion
    The puebelo rebels and destroys every Catholic Church and killed many Priest and Spanish settlers
  • England's Efforts

    England's Efforts
    Compete with the Spanish Empire.
  • The discovery of corn 5000 B.C.E.

    The discovery of corn  5000 B.C.E.
    Hunters developed wild grss which contained corn. The corn was the foundation of the Aztec and Incan civilization. Spread to the Americas.
    Where ever corn was planted was able to grow and help the people settle down