Time line

  • Northern Violence Over school

  • Elmet Tills Murder

  • civil rights act

    civil rights act
    They stopped discrimination based on sex and race. They was able to be hired and promoted in things aswell.
  • Cooper V.s Aron

    It was a Supreme Court that ruled that Arkansas couldn't pass legislation
    They segregated the students in public schools they made Little Rock 9 and African Americans could be in schools just like others.
  • Period: to

    Freedoom Rides

    People on busses were seated by race in the south and the bathroom was placed on the other side of the restaurant, for some places didn't even have them as well with people with different race
  • March on Washington for job/freedom

  • Fair Housing Act

    Fair Housing Act
    It prevented housing discrimination based on race and sex to ones that lived in neighborhoods. This was passed by debate by House of respresintives