movemt of students
date : 2/09/1968
actors: mexican students, army, president
place: México D.F Movement of student; consequence of radicalizing a generation of young professionals. (page 12) references of the image:
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-J8hiSOxXBY4/TZKKjlbAUNI/AAAAAAAAAF8/bq49dpgG60Q/s1600/dos.jpg -
New Wave of Social Movments.
date: 1970-1976
actors: president Echeverria, Mexican People and organizations
place: all the country Administration of the presidente Luis Echeverria marked the beginnig of a new wave of social movements.
(page 12) references of the image:
http://informacion-digital.com/v1/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/luis-echeverria.jpg -
New Radical Traditions
period of time: 1970-1978
Actors: church, Government, Mexican Society
place: all the country The Ecclesiastic Base Communities helped to create a radical tradition amongst the progressive ranks of the laypersons. (page 18) references of the image:
http://www.laprensaus.com/uploads/contenidos/1120370x270cardenaaal.jpg -
Period: to
new wave of social movments
Administration of the presidente Luis Echeverria marked the beginnig of a new wave of social movements. -
Period: to
New Radical Tradition created by the church
1970-1978 The Ecclesiastic Base Communities helped to create a radical tradition amongst the progressive ranks of the laypersons. -
economic crisis
date: 1982
actors:International markets, Mexican Government, Mexican society
place: All the country Economic Crisis: took all social actors by surprise in spite of having enjoyed five years of economic growth (page 14)
references of the image:http://www.gold-speculator.com/attachments/mark-lundeen/9069d1272781673-bear-market-race-week-133-first-american-mortgage-crisis-1964-82-dc4bfwv3_2996ffvdqscr_b.png -
Chihuahua Elections
place: Chihuahua
Chihuahua´s government allowed for more or less free local elections in as a kind of experiment. (page 17) references of the image:
http://www.pandurango.org.mx/images/LogoPAN.gif -
Human rights groups began to appear
Actors: Human Rights Groups, Mexican Society Human rights groups began to appear, a new wave of urban-cultural-led associationism occurred in the eighties.
(page 16) references of the image:
http://www.triplepundit.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Plaatje-Christopher-Human-Rights.jpg -
Earthquake in Mexico led to a urban reorganization
Earthquake in Mexico led to a urban reorganizationPlace: Mexico D.FActors: people from high income neighborhoodsthe earthquake in Mexico City in 1985 led to a urban reorganization.” At the same time the upper middle-classes initiated some “self-management” experiments in high income neighborhoods to ensure security services and acceptable statemaintenance of urban facilities. Image reference:
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-IEnMXpV8IyA/TeRHmBUPSmI/AAAAAAAAAN8/6R6oRkqDU5Y/s1600/sismo851.jpg -
Citizen Groups Response to the fraud Human Rights
Acors: Citizen Groups, Politicians, Cultural Personalities
Place: all the country Citizen gropus formed by some political and cultural personalities response to the fraud human rights groups were undergoing a learning process in which most of them concluded that the absence of the rule of law was due to authoritarianism pag 25 reference of the image:
http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?pid=S0188-77422005000200011&script=sci_arttext -
three fundamental changes
period of time: 1988-1994
Actors: Mexican Government, Mexican Society
Place: all the country
1. profound changes in the economy and constitutional revisions that legalized the state’s retreat from its activist role in the economy and reproduction of society.
2. a party system consolidated and democracy appeared
3. several civic-cultural movements spread across the country
Pag 18-19
references of the image:
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-iEEhkAy5vgc/TX5jioqOwUI/AAAAAAAAC5c/uVycHmpcQfY/s1600/63b.jpg -
Period: to
3 Main changes of Mexico.
- profound changes in the economy and to several constitutional revisions that legalized the state’s retreat from its activist role in the economy and reproduction of society.
- a party system consolidated and democracy appeared as a potential means for a regime change.
- several civic-cultural movements spread across the country, creating a civil society centered on the struggle for political rights, democracy, and the rule of law.
NGO´s networks
Place: mexico D.F and all over the countryActors: CEMEFI, FAM, convergencia.
1990 A different kind of civil society emerged in the form of NGO’s networks and pro-democratic social movements that participated in a process of collectiveorganization in networks, both thematic and by political affinity. some of the networks are CEMEFI (1988), FAM (1992), convergencia (1990).
Page 23
reference od the image:
http://www.altonivel.com.mx/assets/images/landings/CemefiLogo.jpg -
PRD was created
Place: Mexico D.F
Actors: Cuauhtémoc cárdenas, Heberto Castillo, PSM In mid 1989, the PRD was created through a strategic alliance between communists, radical nationalists, old populists, social democrats, and social movement activists, all under the charismatic leadership of Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas. (p. 20) image reference:
http://www.treklens.com/gallery/photo384740.htm -
the end of salinas Ilusions
In 1994 the illusions created by President Salinas came to an end. Three factors compromised his projects: the Indian insurrection in Chiapas, the internal divisions in his regime and the economic breakdown of late 1994.
The result of this process was the ultimate delegitimation of Salinas himself and his group and the extreme weakness of President Zedillo in the outset of his government
references of the image:
http://jenarovillamil.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/carlos-salinas-de-gortari.jpg -
Period: to
the breakdown of the system
the PRI regime had no stable and coherent political
strategy. There was a sensation of breakdown the opposition was not able to profit from. No global political negotiations among. political actors were carried out. In 1994 the illusions created by President Salinas came to an end. Three factors compromised his projects: the Indian insurrection in Chiapas, the internal divisions in his regime and the economic breakdown of late 1994. -
military offensive against the EZLN
Actors: President Zedillo, Army, EZLN
place: Chiapas
date: February 1995 The government of President Zedillo launched a military offensive against the EZLN in February 1995, hoping for a surprise detention of all EZLN leaders. That was period of military and judicial offensives. (Page 30)
image reference:
http://cronicadesociales.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/1233251615692_f.jpg -
transition to democracy
Period of time: 1997-1998
Actors: Mexican Government, Mexican Society, Political Parties.
Place: all the country end of the seemingly indefinite process of permanent electoral reform as the specific Mexican way of transition to democracy. pag31 references of the image:
http://www.azc.uam.mx/publicaciones/gestion/num11y12/22gr5.JPG -
Period: to
transition to democracy
end of the seemingly indefinite process of permanent electoral reform as the specific Mexican way of transition to democracy.
pag31 -
opposition parties won Chamber of Deputies
date: 1997
Actors: Political parties
place: all the country (México)
in July 1997 elections the opposition parties won for the first time the majority in the Chamber of Deputies. (page 27)
reference of the image: