Time line assignment

  • CORE was founded

    CORE was founded
    • founded my students
    • aimed to organize and execute peaceful, non-violent protests
  • Jackie Robinson was drafted to the MLB

    Jackie Robinson was drafted to the MLB
    • he was the 1st black player in the MLB
    • played for the Dodgers
  • Executive order 9981

    Executive order 9981
    • desegregated the military
    • signed under Truman’s presidency
  • Desegregation of armed forces

    Desegregation of armed forces
    • desecrated the military for all backgrounds
    • prior, many refused to return to fighting in segregated armed forces
  • Brown vs. board of education ruling

    Brown vs. board of education ruling
    • The NAACP pushed for desegregating schools and public places
    • Brown and the NAACP won, and all schools and public places were legally desegregated
  • Period: to

    Montgomery bus boycott

    • Sparked by the unjust arrest of Rosa Parks
    • aimed to protest the unjust segregation of public transportation
  • Integration of central high school

    Integration of central high school
    • the governor of Arkansas mobilized the national guard to prevent 9 African American students from entering the high school, however; President Eisenhower sent federal troops to help escort the 9 students into the building.
  • The hate that hate produced aired

    The hate that hate produced aired
    • documentary about black nationalism in America
    • primarily focused on the Nation of Islam
  • First lunch counter sit-in

    First lunch counter sit-in
    • young African American students were denied service at a a restaurant, so they proceeded to sit in at the counter, further preventing the business from bringing in new customers
    • set off a nationwide “trend”
  • Freedom riders

    Freedom riders
    • civil rights activists who rode interstate buses into segregated states in an effort to spread support for desegregation
  • Birmingham campaign

    Birmingham campaign
    • led by MLK, James Bevel, Fred Shuttlesworth, and many others
    • was a series of protests that resulted in a change in the city’s discrimination laws
  • The march on Washington

    The march on Washington
    • a highlight of the civil rights movement
    • thousands of activists marched in Washington DC to push for desegregation and equality among all
  • Civil rights act of 1964

    Civil rights act of 1964
    • part of the 14th admendment
    • banned all forms of desegregation throughout the United States
  • Voting rights act of 1965

    Voting rights act of 1965
    • prohibited racial discrimination in voting
  • Watts riot

    Watts riot
    • sparked from a fight between an African American driver and a cop
    • led to a total of 34 deaths, 1,032 injuries, and 3,438 arrests
  • Founding of the Black Panther Party

    Founding of the Black Panther Party
    • radical, revolutionary, political party pushing for equality
    • founded by Bobby Seale and Huey Newton
  • Civil rights act of 1968

    Civil rights act of 1968
    -prohibited discrimination in selling, financing, and renting houses based on race and religion
  • The formation of the congressional black caucus party

    The formation of the congressional black caucus party
    • formed to ensure equal treatment and opportunity for all races.
  • Swann vs Charlotte Mecklenburg

    Swann vs Charlotte Mecklenburg
    • Supreme Court case
    • aimed to speed up the integration of all races in public schools
  • Roots aired

    Roots aired
    • show about a slave who is abducted from his African village and transferred to the United States
    • he goes to witness several notable historical events
  • Regents of the University of California vs. Bakke

    Regents of the University of California vs. Bakke
    • Supreme Court case
    • ruled out university’s diversity “quotas”