French revolution

Time Line Assignment :)

  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    Although James Watt was not the man to invent the steam engine he did perfect it by having it actually being able to do something like pumping water out of coal mines. His perfecting of the steam engine wil lead up the the creation of the modern train and the steam boat.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The French Revolution occured because of King Louis XVI, and Marie Antoinettte being incompetent leaders. By the way that they were oblivious to the fact that their kingdom was hungry and mad and by the way that they still continued to live a life of luxury by throwing parties and wasting money on nonsense items. The Revolution ended when the King and Queen were executed by a beheading.
  • Haitian Revolution

    Haitian Revolution
    The Haitian Revolution was held on a small island named St. Dominigue. It was the largest and most successful slave revolution to date, this revolutiion got hope from being inspired by the French Revolution and they thought if they could do it why not them. But the reason this was so successful was because of not only their leadership through Toussaint l’Overture but the amount of slaves compared to whites. Because of their size the slaves easily won and created the Country Haiti in 1804.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    The Congress of Vienna was a meeting between people to discuss what to do after Napolean had failed. But a major goal was to find a way that the people could balance out the power so they could keep peace.
  • Independence of Mexico

    Independence of Mexico
    The war for Mexico's independence from Spain started with a man named Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla in 1810 he started the idea that Mexico should become independent. Hidalgo was killed the a year after his first great revolutionary speech but by then he had already 100,00 after Hidalgo was executed he was followed up by a man named Morelos he was able to capture the city Acapulco. After this it did not take long in the war against Spanin to win their independence in 1821.
  • Opium War

    Opium War
    This was a war between China and Western Countries about the smuggling of Opium into China. China tried to end the Opium smuggling by prohibiting Opium in the country and by destroying a large amount of the Opium. Britain responded by sending in gunboats because of this the British easily won and forced the Chinese to sign a treaty so that Britain could openly trade in Chinese ports. This seems to me the worst thing that Britain has ever done.
  • Communist Manifesto

    Communist Manifesto
    The Communist Manifesto is a book listing all the different steps you can take to take a Government and make it into a Communist Government these steps are called the 10 Planks they include the "abolition of all rights of inheritance, abolition of private property and the application of all rents of land to public purposes, and a heavy progressive or graduated income tax" to name a few. Because of the Communist Manifesto people have a greater understanding of Communism.
  • Commodor Matt Perry goes to Japan-1856

    Commodor Matt Perry goes to Japan-1856
    Matthew was sent to Japan by President Fillmore to create a new trade system because Japan had been closed off for such a long time. But when Matthew got their with a group of four ships they were quickly rejected, so in 1854 Matthew returned with even more ships than before and had a battle with the Japanese but later came to an agreement through the Treaty of Kanagawa which created a pernament friendship between Japan and the United states of America.
  • Sepoy Mutiny

    Sepoy Mutiny
    The Sepoy Mutiny occured not because the British were mean, cruel and day after day beat the Native Americans it was because the British thought that the were the Supreme race. Because of their thought they began moving to places were civilizations were just beginning to grow and began influencing them. The British during one of their colonizations annexed a place called Oudh after the annexation Oudh lost many rights and because of their anger they were able to gather an army to revolt.
  • Unification of Germany

    Unification of Germany
    The unifacation of Germany is a treaty that made it so that the small German nations were to form together to form the German Empire. But because of the cultural differences it took a while for everybody to feel connected. The unifacation lead to many things most know about Germany is their involvement in World War II
  • Zulu uprising

    Zulu uprising
    The Zulu uprising occured in South Africa is was a revolution with the Zulu people against the British. The Zulu people were being lead by a man named Bambatha kaMancinza he started the uprising because he like many others beleived that the taxation was wrong.
  • Berlin Conference

    Berlin Conference
    The goal of the Berlin Conference was to decide fairly and peacefully how to map out Africa between eachother. This conference lead to disaster because while they split all this land up they put a lot of people next to people that they hated so this started many wars between natives.
  • Russo- Japanese War

    Russo- Japanese War
    The war between Russia and Japan it was a battle between them for the control of a Korean Port under the name Port Arthur. This war lasted about one and a half years. Although the Japanese won most of the battles they had more deaths. But yes overall Japan gained control of Korea. Because of this war Korea is as it is today.
  • Dr. Sun Yat-sen takes over China

    Dr. Sun Yat-sen takes over China
    Dr. Sun Yat-sen was a doctor who after realizing how far back in time China had become that turned into a polotician. Sun Yat-sen traveled to America, Canada, England, and Japan to see what they were doing right. When he came back he lead many of his own revolutions but they all failed. But when one succeded Sun Yat-sen was immediately put as leader of the new Government he also recreated the Natilonlist Party.