Time line 3

  • Thomas Morton

    Founded Merrymount in MA and wanted to be a part of the Indians. Plymouth crushed it.
  • Petition of Right

    Parliament passes Petition of Right. It resumed no tax unless from Parliament, no “arbitrary” arrests or imprisonment, and no soldiers would be quartered in private homes.
  • Pennsylvania

    William Penn formed the religiously tolerant colony of Pennsylvania. Wanted houses along rivers that were spread apart and peace with Indians.
  • Anne Hutchinson

    Preaches that Christians are free from morals because they're going to go to Heaven anyway because predestination. Exiled and killed in 1643.
  • Pequot raid

    90 Connecticut men raided a Pequot village attempting to expand onto their land.
  • Taj Mahal completed.

  • Mercantilism

    Fueled the Navigation Acts. Among other things, it said that the mother country should produce finished products while the colonies supply the raw materials.
  • Great Plague

    Great Plague in London kills 75,000.
  • Great Fire of London

    Great Fire of London. Molière's Misanthrope.
  • Period: to

    King Philip's War

    Begins because Metacon was trying to keep his land from the English, but in 1675 they all banded together to get it (except Rhode Island).
    Metacon was killed and the English won.
  • Tituba

    Accused of practicing witchcraft in the woods with two teenage girls. Escaped with her life by telling a bizarre, confusing story.
  • Period: to

    Salem Witch Trials

    John Hathorne and Jonathan Corwin began Salem witch trials. 156 had been accused, 20 were killed.
    Most accusers of witchcraft were women in their teens or twenties; most accused were women above 40. Additionally, respectable members of the community and a four-year-old were accused.
  • Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin Franklin was born.
  • Samuel Johnson

    Samuel Johnson was born
  • Stono Rebellion

    20 slaves broke into a store, taking the ammunition and weapons and killing the storekeepers. Moved south, killing whites and acquiring blacks into their army.
  • Alexander Hamilton

    Alexander Hamilton was born.
  • Sugar Act

    Made sure that 3 cents per gallon of sugar were collected, because with the 6 cents before no one actually abided by the rule. People had to file a lot of papers when loading ships.
  • Currency Act

    Forbade issuing of any local currency in the colonies; colonists complained that there literally wasn’t enough money to go around
  • Declaratory Act

    Parliament has the right to make laws and things for the colonies.
  • Townshend Revenue Act

    Import tax on things like lead, paint, glass, paper, tea, etc. Thought the colonists only minded internal taxes, not external.
  • Judiciary Act

    Created the federal court system with somewhat limited power. Rules: 6-person supreme court, each justice does two circuit courts a year, really large federal districts. First justice was John Jay.
  • Tariff Act

    Hamilton proposed a tariff on imported goods and foreign ships to raise revenue and increase shipping of American goods.
  • Washington inaugurated

  • Bill of Rights

    12 amendments are signed into law
  • Vindication of the Rights of Women

    Wollstonecraft argued that they system purposefully educated women poorly to be vain and frivolous. If they got good education, they would function in society very well.
  • Napoleon conquers Italy

    Napoleon conquers Italy, firmly establishes himself as First Consul in France
  • Haiti declares independence from France

    Haiti declares independence from France; first black nation to gain freedom from European colonial rule
  • Mexico becomes a republic

    Mexico becomes a republic, three years after declaring independence from Spain. Bolívar liberates Peru, becomes its president. Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.
  • The Book of Mormon is published

  • President Harrison dies

    U.S. President Harrison dies one month after inauguration; John Tyler becomes first vice president to succeed to presidency
  • Congress adopts joint resolution for annexation of Texas.

  • Pro-slavery constitution rejected in Kansas.

    Pro-slavery constitution rejected in Kansas. Abraham Lincoln makes strong antislavery speech in Springfield
  • South Carolina secedes from the Union.

  • Civil War begin

  • Gen. Lee surrenders

    Gen. Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox;
  • First U.S. transcontinental rail route completed