Time Line 1776-1860

  • Submarine

    David Bushnell created the "Turtle" one of the first submarines. It submerged into the water by the tanks. It moved by the crank of the propeller.
  • First U.S Patent

    First U.S Patent
    The United States issues its first patent to William Pollard of Philadelphia. His machine roves and spins cotton.
  • Interchangeable Parts

    Interchangeable Parts
    Eli Whitney manufactured 10,000 muskets for the U.S Army. At the time a musket would be made by one person without any measurements. Whitney divide labor into several step and parts to make them interchangeable.
  • Coffee Pot

    Coffee Pot
    Benjamin Thompson created the coffee pot. People no longer had to chew their coffee
  • SteamBoat

    Robert Fulton, opened an American river to two-way travel. His steamboat the "Clermont" travels 150 miles upstream between New York and Albany at an average speed of 5mph.
  • Sewing Machine

    Sewing Machine
    Walter Hunt invents the first lock-stitch sewing machine, but loses interest and does not patent his invention. Later, Elias Howe secures patent on an original lock-stitch machine, but fails to manufacture and sell it. Still later, Isaac Singer infringes on Howe's patent to make his own machine, which makes Singer rich.
  • Telegraph

    Samuel F.B Morse demonstrates his telegraph by sending a message to Baltimore from the chambers f the supreme court in Washington D.C. It brought a whole new level of communication to the United States.
  • Fake Teeth

    Fake Teeth
    Cladius Ash helps Americans get a better grip on what they're eating. He created a new type of artificial dental wear featuring individual porcelain teeth mounted with steel springs. This helped Americans greatly
  • Passenger elevator

    Passenger elevator
    Elisha Graves Otis dramatically demonstrates his passenger elevator at the Crystal Palace Exposition in New York by cutting the elevator's cables as it ascends a 300 foot tower.
  • Burglar alarm

    Burglar alarm
    Edwin Holmes began to sell electric burglar alarms. Later his workshop was used by Alexander Graham Bell he pursued the invention of the telephone.