
Time line dates

By mlt5986
  • 1500

    1500 Transportation,16th Century

    1500 Transportation,16th Century
    In Tudor times transport was still slow and uncomfortable. Roads were still just dirt tracks. Men were supposed, by law, to spend a number of days repairing the local roads but it is unlikely they did much good! People traveled by horse.
  • 1500

    1500 Transportation, Middle Ages

    1500 Transportation, Middle Ages
    After the fall of Rome transport became more primitive. Roads in Europe returned to being simple dirt tracks, which turned to mud in the Winter. In the Middle Ages rich people sometimes traveled in covered wagons. They must have been very uncomfortable as they did not have suspension and roads were bumpy and rutted. Others traveled on a box between two poles. Two horses, one in front and one behind carried it. They were trained to walk at the same pace.
  • 1640 Transportation,17th Century

    1640 Transportation,17th Century
    Transport and communications improved in the 17th century. In 1600 the royal posts were exclusively used to carry the kings correspondence.
  • 1650 PH transportation

    1650 PH transportation
    Goods were sometimes transported by pack horse (horses with bags on their sides). Also carriers with covered wagons carried goods and sometimes passengers.
  • 1663 transportation

    1663 transportation
    From the middle of the 17th century stagecoaches ran regularly between the major towns. However they were very expensive and they must have been very uncomfortable without springs on rough roads. There was also the danger of highwaymen. In 1663 the first Turnpike roads opened. You had to pay to use them. Meanwhile in towns wealthy people were carried in sedan chairs.
  • 1700 Transportation,18th Century pt1

    1700 Transportation,18th Century pt1
    Transport was greatly improved during the 18th century. Groups of rich men formed turnpike trusts. Acts of Parliament gave them the right to improve and maintain certain roads.
  • 1770 Transportation,18th Century pt 2

    1770 Transportation,18th Century pt 2
    Transporting goods was also made much easier by digging canals. In the early 18th century goods were often transported by pack horse. Moving heavy goods was very expensive. However in 1759 the Duke of Bridgewater decided to build a canal to bring coal from his estate at Worsley to Manchester. He employed an engineer called James Brindley. When it was completed the Bridgewater canal halved the price of coal in Manchester. Many more canals were dug in the late 18th century.
  • 1800 Transportation,18th Century

    1800 Transportation,18th Century
    Meanwhile in France the Montgolfier brothers invented the hot air balloon in 1783. The hydrogen balloon was also invented in 1783. In 1785 two men, Jean-Pierre Blanchard and John Jeffries flew over the English Channel in a hydrogen balloon.
  • 1850 Transportation, 19th Century

    1850 Transportation, 19th Century
    In the mid 19th century transport was revolutionized by railways. They made travel much faster.
  • 1960 transportation, 20th century

    1960 transportation, 20th century
    Transportation greatly improved during the 20th century. Although the first cars appeared at the end of the 19th century after the First World War they became cheaper and more common. However in 1940 only about one in 10 families in Britain owned a car. They increased in number after World War II. By 1959 32% of households owned a car.
  • 2017 Transportation,21st Century

    2017 Transportation,21st Century
    The next step in transport will probably be commercial suborbital space flight. At the moment it is still in the future and at first it will inevitably be very expensive but it will eventually become cheap enough for ordinary people to afford.
  • 2018 transportation

    2018 transportation
    cars, plains,trains,sub ways, and so on.
  • 2019 transportation

    2019 transportation
    same as 2018 in transportation but we mostly use cars, but mostly buses.
  • 2020 transport

    who knows what the world will come up with.
  • 2021

    further in to the futcher but who knows what we will come up with.