Time line #1 1830-1850

  • Fulton steam ship sails for first time

    Fulton launched the Clermont, a steam-powered boat which became the first commercially successful steamship from 1807-1815
  • Missouri Compromise

    Was in the 1820-1821 between the U.S and Missouri were they were admitting Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state, lead by congressman Henry Clay
    Theme: Political,economic and social
  • Presidency Of Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson was the 7th president of the united states from march 4th 1829-1837
  • Telegraph

    The first telegraph invented by Samuel Morse from the 1830's to 1840's
  • Indian Removal Act

    Was in the united states when Andrew Jackson was president ; A law authorized the president to negotiate with southern Native Americans tribes for the removal of the west of the Mississippi river in exchange for white settlement in may 28, 1830.
    theme;: political,economic and social
  • The Nat Turner Revolt

    Was a rebellion of Enslaved black people which took place in Virginia in august 1831
  • Nullification Crisis

    Was with politician John C. and conflict between south coralina and U.S federal Government which south Carolina adopted the ordinance of nullification declaring the tariffs null void,nonbinding in the state which took place in south coralina November 1832
  • Bank Of The United States Crisis

    Was in September 10th 1833 between Andrew Jackson Vs Nicholas Biddle were there was a issue of recharging the 2nd bank of the U.S which the affair resulted in the shutdown of the bank and it's replacement by state bank.
    Theme:Economical,political and social
  • The Fall Of Alamo

    A Fight of 13 days where the Mexican were victorious in Texas
  • Florida Becomes A State

    Florida became a state in march 3,1845 with the capital bieng Tallahassee and Nicknamed the Sunshine State.
  • Seneca Falls Conference

    Was the first women's rights convention in the United States in Seneca Falls, New York from July 19 to the 20th
  • Gold Found At Shutter's Mill

    Sutter's Mill was a sawmill, owned by 19th-century pioneer John Sutter, where gold was found, setting off the California Gold Rush.