Time lime of europea politic

  • End of world war 2

    End of world war 2
    After the devastation caused by the Second World War, the United Nations Organization was created with the objective of maintaining international peace and security.
  • Cold war

    Cold war
    The political tensions between the countries of Eastern and Western Europe over ideological, economic and form of government issues give rise to a "Cold War" that will last more than 40 years and will develop through wars in other countries instead of in a military conflict direct.
  • German reconociliation

    German reconociliation
    the then French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman presents a plan to create a new form of political cooperation in Europe that makes a new war between European nations unthinkable
  • Establishing the countries

    Establishing the countries
    In paris, six countries sing a trety established the European coal and steel community
  • Treaties of Rome

    Treaties of Rome
    Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands extend their cooperation to other economic sectors.
    -Sign the Treaties of Rome
  • European Parliament

    European Parliament
    The new European Parliamentary Assembly, made up of 142 deputies, met for the first time in Strasbourg in 1958. As of March 30, 1962, it was renamed the European Parliament.
  • Creation of the European Council

    Creation of the European Council
    With the intention of establishing an informal forum for debate between the Heads of State or Government, the European Council is created.
  • Greenland leaves the European Communities

    Greenland leaves the European Communities
    Greenland was part of the European Communities. Although it withdrew after the referendum in 1982, it is nevertheless still associated with the EU as one of the Overseas countries and territories.
  • Accession of Spain and Portugal to the European Communities

    Accession of Spain and Portugal to the European Communities
    Spain and Portugal become part of the European Communities, bringing the number of member States to twelve.
  • The fall of the Berlin Wall

    The fall of the Berlin Wall
    The collapse of communism in central and eastern Europe, which begins in Poland and Hungary, is symbolized by the fall of the Berlin Wall. The German Democratic Republic opens its borders. Germany is unified after more than 40 years of separation and its eastern part joins the European Community
  • European Office for Humanitarian Aid

    European Office for Humanitarian Aid
    The European Commission creates an "Office for Humanitarian Aid". The EU is one of the main providers of aid in the world. It provides emergency aid for food, shelter, education, protection and healthcare in many countries around the world.
  • Treaty of Amsterdam

    Treaty of Amsterdam
    In the capital of the Netherlands the Treaty of Amsterdam is signed, which prepares the European Union for the arrival of future member states. From this moment on, it will only be possible to appoint a new President of the Commission with the approval of the European Parliament.
  • European Central Bank

    European Central Bank
    The European Central Bank is created, which collaborates with the central banks of all Member States and is responsible for managing the euro. Its main objective is to maintain price stability to contribute to economic growth and job creation.
  • Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union

    Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
    People's rights in the EU were established at different times, in different ways and in different ways. For this reason, the EU decided to include all of them in a single document: the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Signed by EU leaders on December 7, 2000, it guarantees a number of rights to EU citizens and residents. These include respect for privacy and family life, protection of personal data, the right to marry and found a family, and the right to education.
  • Accession of ten new countries to the EU

    Accession of ten new countries to the EU
    With the entry of ten new countries into the EU, much of Eastern and Western Europe is united in peace and democracy. The incorporation of the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta and Poland brings the total number of Member States to 25. Numerous events are held throughout Europe to commemorate this historic enlargement.
  • Accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the EU

    Accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the EU
    Bulgaria and Romania join the European Union: the members are already 27. Irish becomes the 21st official language and with Bulgarian and Romanian the figure rises to 23
  • Serbia applies to join the EU

    Serbia applies to join the EU
    Serbia applies to join the EU
  • Croatia's accession to the EU

    Croatia's accession to the EU
    Croatia becomes the twenty-eighth member of the European Union.
  • Asylum seekers arrive in Europe

    Asylum seekers arrive in Europe
    Around a million asylum seekers arrive in Europe in 2015, many of them fleeing the civil war in Syria, and in need of international protection. EU leaders are intensifying their efforts to tighten external border controls and promote safe and legal entry.
  • Trade agreement between the EU and Canada

    Trade agreement between the EU and Canada
    The EU and Canada sign a trade agreement that will facilitate the export of goods and services, for the benefit of the citizens and businesses of both parties.