
Time Capsule Brooklynn Bickford

  • Music-The Ronetts

    Music-The Ronetts
    Members Veronica Bennett [akaRonnie Spector] (vocals), Estelle Bennett [aka Estelle] (vocals), Nedra Talley [aka Nedra Ross] (vocals)- Also Known AsThe Darling Sisters, Ronnie and the Relatives- Genres Girl Group, Brill Building, Pop,Christmas Music
  • Fashion- full-skirted gowns with low necklines and close-fitting waists.

    Fashion- full-skirted gowns with low necklines and close-fitting waists.
    Came into style so early in the 60s it was almost in the 50s.
  • Toys-Etch a Sketch

    Toys-Etch a Sketch
    It was invented by a prolific toy inventor named Ronald Howe’s, who worked for the Kenner Products toy company in the 1960’s.
  • Toys-Easy Bake Oven

    Toys-Easy Bake Oven
    It was invented by a prolific toy inventor named Ronald Howe’s, who worked for the Kenner Products toy company in the 1960’s.
  • Music-The Roliing Stones

    Music-The Roliing Stones
    The longest performing rock band of all time, beginning as part of the British Rock Invasion of the 1960s, the Rolling Stones quickly became the “bad-boy” band, beginning as part of the British Rock Invasion of the 1960s; the Rolling Stones quickly became the “bad-boy” band
  • Fashion-Pillbox Hats

    Fashion-Pillbox Hats
    Came into style by Jacqueline Kennedy (Wife of J.F.K.)
  • Period: to

    U.S. President- John Fitzgerald Kennedy

    1.) Of Irish descent, he was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, on May 29, 1917.
    2.) Graduating from Harvard in 1940, he entered the Navy. In 1943, when his PT boat was rammed and sunk by a Japanese destroyer, Kennedy, despite grave injuries, led the survivors through perilous waters to safety.

    3.) On November 22, 1963, when he was hardly past his first thousand days in office, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was killed by an assassin's bullets as his motorcade wound through Dallas, Texas.
  • Fashion-Short Boxy jackets with oversized buttons

    Fashion-Short Boxy jackets with oversized buttons
    Also came into style by Jacqueline Kennedy
  • Tecnology-The Cassette tape

    Tecnology-The Cassette tape
    1.) The Philips Company of the Netherlands invented and released the first compact audio-cassette in 1962.
    2.) They used high-quality polyester 1/8-inch tape produced by BASF. Recording and playback was at a speed of 1.7/8 inches per second.
    3.) The next year in the U.S. sales began of the Norelco Carry-Corder dictation machine that used the new cassette tape. The consumer's demand for blank tape used for personal music-recording was unanticipated by Philips.
  • Transporatation-Ford Galaxie 500XL

    Transporatation-Ford Galaxie 500XL
    1.) It was the first of the big performance Fords, with bucket seats, console, and posh interior trim.
    2.) Introduced for mid-1962 as one of the "Lively Ones," the 500XL was a sub-series in the Galaxie 500 lineup (named after the 500-mile NASCAR races in which Ford was doing so well).
    3.) Numerous drivetrain options were available from the start, including a four-speed manual transmission and up to 425 bhp.
  • News Event- J.F.K. Assasination

    News Event- J.F.K. Assasination
    1.) Lee Harvey Oswald killed him
    2.)11:37 am - Air Force One arrives at Dallas' Love Field with President and Mrs. Kennedy and Governor and Mrs. John B. Connally Jr. of Texas aboard. Vice-President Lyndon Johnson and his wife arrive aboard a separate plane. It is a campaign trip for the coming 1964 election campaign, although not officially designated as such.
    3.) 12:30 pm - As the President's limousine passes the Texas School Book Depository, shots are fired from a 6th floor window.
  • Movie-Mary Poppins

    Movie-Mary Poppins
    1.) Director:Robert Stevenson
    2.) Writers: Bill Walsh (Screenplay), Don DaGradi (screenplay)

    3.) Ratings: 7.8
  • Toys-G.I. Joe Doll

    Toys-G.I. Joe Doll
    G.I. Joe became one of the most popular “toys for boys” on the planet, and actually led to the coining of the term “action figure”. The term G.I. stands for Government Issue and Joe stands for the name “Joe”. In the United Kingdom, G.I. Joe was sold under the name Action Man.
  • Actor/Actress-Burt Lancaster

    Actor/Actress-Burt Lancaster
    1.) Burt Lancaster was one of five children born to a New York City postal worker. He was a tough street kid who took an early interest in gymnastics.
    2.)He joined the circus as an acrobat and worked there until he was injured. It was in the Army during WW II that he was introduced to the USO and acting.
    3.) in only his second nomination, Burt Lancaster earned his career’s only Academy Award.
  • Television Program-The Brady Bunch

    Television Program-The Brady Bunch
    1.) created by Sherwood Schwartz
    2.) First episode: September 26, 1969
    3.) Alice was a House Keeper
  • Athlete-Cathy Rigby

    Athlete-Cathy Rigby
    1.) born on December 12, 1952 in Los Alamitos, California.

    2.)At age 15, she was she participated in the Summer Olympics in 1968 and 1972. Overall, Rigby won 12 international medals of which eight were gold.
    3.) the first American woman to win a medal in the World Gymnastics competition
  • Music-Martha and the Vandellas

    Music-Martha and the Vandellas
    2 Members Martha Reeves (lead vocals), Rosalind Ashford (backing vocals, 1963-1968, 1989-present), Annette Sterling Beard (backing vocals, 1963-1964, 1989-present), Betty Kelly (backing vocals, 1964-1968), Lois Reeves (backing vocals, 1968-1972, 1989-present), Sandra Tilly (backing vocals, 1970-1972), Delphine Reeves (backing vocals, 1989-present)- GenresSoul, Girl Group, Pop Soul