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Time capsule 1960s

  • Music

    1) Elvis had a black belt in martial arts.
    2) None of the beetles could read music.
    3) Only 3 members of the beach boys are still alive.
  • Events

    1) The moon landing was in 1969.
    2) The first episode of the flintstones came out in 1960.
    3) JFK was assassinated in 1963.
  • Fashion

    1) Orange and pea green were popular colors for clothes in the 60s.
    2) Fashion in the 60s was very colorful.
    3) Long hair was popular for both men and woman.
  • toys

    1) Hot Wheels birthdays celebrated on May 18.
    2) G.I Joe was the world’s first action figure.
    3) A lite-Brite cost $10 in 1967.
  • Presidents

    1) JFK was the the country's wealthiest president.
    2) Kennedy wrote his own spy book but never released it.
    3) JFKs favorite food was new England fish chowder.
  • Technology

    1) The first game console came out in the 60s.
    2) The first computer mouse came out in the 60s.
    3) The cordless phone was invented in 1962.
  • Actors

    1) Elvis had a twin.
    2) He is in five halls of fame.
    3) Elvis dyed his hair.
  • Transportation

    1) A gallon of gas cost around 31 cents.
    2) Most cars had V8 engines.
    3) The average cost of a new car was 2,600.
  • Sports figure

    Sports figure
    1) Professional football became the most famous sport in the 60s.
    2) Pickleball was founded in 1965.
    3) The most popular sport in1960 was baseball.
  • Movies

    1) The first batman movie was released in the 60s.
    2) Horror movies were at their best in the 60s.
    3) Movies started regularly using color in 1967.
  • TV shows

    TV shows
    1) By the end of the 60’s 95% of Americans had a tv.
    2) The average TV in the 60’s cost $499.
    3) TVs in the 60’s only had three channels.