Geocentric Theory was published
In 100 Ptolemy the astronomer came up with a theory saying that the Earth was the center of the universe. -
Jan 1, 900
Before science, many people believed magic could answer all the worlds questions about anything. -
Jan 1, 1232
Roger Bacon
Roger Bacon was an English philosopher and scientist of the 1200's. He was one of the earliest to favor a system of scientific experimentation, rather than faithful acceptance of religious ideas and ancient beliefs as meaning of finding the truth. -
Jan 1, 1530
People began to question ancient beliefs
People in the 1500's started to question the beliefs of people who lived before them. As scientist observed more and more things they started do notice that some things just didn't make sense. They used new tools tools such as scientific instruments, mathematics and experiment to try and figure out things. -
Jan 1, 1543
Copernicus comes up with a new theory
Copernicus comes up with a new theory that said that the sun is the center of the universe and everything traveled around that. He didn't agree with the astronomer named Ptolemy who stated that the earth was the center of the universe. Copernicus's theory was published it 1543. -
Jan 1, 1543
Andreas Vesalius -
A flemish scientist who pioneered the study of anatomy. He didn't believe in the book written by Galen about the human body so made his own called, “On the Fabric of the Human Body.” This helped people better understand the body and get better at what was going on. -
Jan 1, 1543
Heliocentric Theory was Published
Heliocentric theory said that the earth revolved around the sun and the sun stayed put. Helio was the meaning of sun and centric being the center. So in this case they said the sun was in the middle of everything. -
Jan 1, 1551
William Harvey
William Harvey an English physician using laboratory experiments studied the circulation of blood. He described how blood moved through veins and arteries. -
Jan 1, 1570
Scientific Discovery Made in Europe.
German Gottfried Liebnitz and Isaac Newton both came up with many new mathematical discoveries even through they did not work together. -
Johannes Kepler, proves Copernicus's theory correct.
Kepler a German mathematician and astronomer, was a brilliant man who used models, observation, and mathematics to test Copernicus's heliocentric theory. Kepler found out that some things in Copernicus's theory were wrong. This slowed him down a lot but he he then proved the heliocentric theory correct. In 1609 he then proved published his laws of planetary motion. -
Francis Bacon
An English philosopher and scientist who believed that scientific theories could be developed only through observation. Also that no assumptions could be trusted unless backed up with facts. He then published a book about all his knowledge. -
Rene Descartes
A French philosopher and mathematician was a leader of the Scientific Revolution. He said that any assumptions should be backed up with facts. He created a mathematical description of the way light reflects from a smooth surface. This explanation lead to the law of refraction. -
Galileo Galilei
Galileo built a telescope and studied the universe. He discovered that the moon rotates around the earth and his discoveries formed the basis for mechanics. When he published his findings in 1632 people didn't believe him because of Ptolemy's old theory. -
Robert Boyle
Boyle help discover the the science chemistry. He showed people that temperature and pressure affect the space that gas occupies. -
Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton, an English scientist who published a book on Galileo, Copernicus and Kepler's findings. After many experiments and measurements can came up with a few things. He made laws about force and gravitation of the Earth. This had a huge impact on the time and even still today.