Tiffany Pham Timeline

  • Day I was Born.

    Thanks to my little sister for taking care of Kurtis.
  • Period: to

    lived in Vancouver

  • Arrived to Canada

    Arrived to Canada
    The land of Freedom.
  • First Day of School "Tescumseh Elementary School"

    First Day of School "Tescumseh Elementary School"
  • First halloween

    This was the happiest day of my life here in Canada.....Free candy???
  • Our first Christmas

    Our first Christmas
    Mom and dad couldn't afford any presents for us and we never had a christmas tree.
  • Canadian Citizenship

    Canadian Citizenship
    On this very specail day, our family got granted Canadian Citizenship.
  • Sir Charles Tupper Secondary

    Sir Charles Tupper Secondary
    First fight I got into at school, my parent were called into the office. Two weeks suspension.
  • Period: to

    High school

  • First love, lasted two years!

    First love, lasted two years!
  • Car accident.

    Young and stupid. I was in a car accident at the age of 18. fracture one of the neck bone. have to wear to neck brace( helo neck brace) for three months.
  • First job at Mc Donalds.

    First job at Mc Donalds.
    worked there for eight months at minimum rate $5.80 or so ar part time.
  • Our dog lucky ran away.

    Our dog lucky ran away.
    Maybe thats why we don't have another pet after lucky.
  • Kurtis was born.

    Kurtis was born.
    God blessing.
  • Moved to Calagry, AB

    Moved to Calagry, AB
    This was a very hard time for me, because I had to leave my son with my inlaws.
  • Period: to

    Moved to Calgary by myself.

    Living on your onw at the age 20 was not fun, wroked very hard without an educatiion.
  • Won a poker tournament

    Won a poker tournament
    Started to play poker for a full time job after two years of labour work. Won a big tournament for 48 thousand, plus side bets for 12 thousand.
  • First home.

    First home.
    Down payment for my first home with the money won from poker tournament. a three bedroom, two level home 2100sqt. Still own it now.
  • Girls vacation

    Me and my two best friend went to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic for seven days. very cool.
  • First time snow board

    Not a fun game, it hurt so much going down the hill head first. Good exprience, but i the hand of it now.
  • First trip back to Vietnam.

    First trip back to Vietnam.
    Very fun, but don't remember anything. Seeing my home country for the first time in 20 years. Thinking how bless we all are leaving in a country of freedom and how we take advantage of a lot of things we have here in Canada.
  • Period: to

    Moved back to Vancouver, BC

    Happy to be back home with the family. Got my son back from my inlaws, finally ready to be a monther.
  • Meet my husband Huan

    Now I know what's my definitions of the word " love".
  • New house

    We bought another house. Start my new life with my husband, and son.
  • Period: to

    Moved to Winnipeg, MB

    Hope this will be mine last destination....for love and place.
  • my dad diagnose with Cancer

    my dad diagnose with Cancer
    My dad was diagnose with first stage lever cancer, but he'll be ok.
  • Wedding

    Went back to Vietnam and had our wedding, since his parents still live there. This time we went to alot of places to give donations. Very meaningful and memorable trip.
  • Arts and Technology Centre.

    Went back to school, i think this is the best idea i have during my whole life. i've learn alot from all the teachers and things. Now just hoping I'll get a job.