
Tibet- From The Chinese Occupation to Today

  • Mongols Give Tibet to the Dalai Lama

    Mongols Give Tibet to the Dalai Lama
    As a gift to the Tibetans and their Buddhism the Mongols gave power over Tibet to the Buddhist monks under the head monk, the Dalai Lama.
  • Tibet Officially Secedes Froms the Ailing Qing Empire

    Tibet Officially Secedes Froms the Ailing Qing Empire
    Tibet officially secedes from the Qing empire and forms its own independent country.
  • China Starts to Invade Tibet

    China Starts to Invade Tibet
    In 1950,under Chairmen Mao, the new Chinese Communist Government started the invasion of Tibet bringing in 40,000 People’s Liberation Army troops.
  • The 17 Point Plan

    The 17 Point Plan
    The 17 Point Plan is reached between the Chinese and Tibetan governemnt, which called for a peaceful liberation of Tibet.
  • Chairmen Mao and the Dalai Lama meet

    Chairmen Mao and the Dalai Lama meet
    In 1954, the Dalai Lama and Chairman Mao met in Beijing to negociate the invasion of Tibet, which the Chinese called a liberation. But Mao wouldn’t negotiate with the Dalai Lama saying, “Religion is poison.”
  • Chinese troops invade capital city of Lhasa

    Chinese troops invade capital city of Lhasa
    As the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) enters the capital city of Lhasa, they start to brutaly beat Tibetans killing over 400000. Once they reached Lhasa the PLA atempted to invade the Potala Palace and kill the Dalai Lama, so 300000 Tibetan refugees surround the palace. A week later the Dalai Lama escapes to India.
  • Cultural Revoloution (1966-1976)

    Cultural Revoloution (1966-1976)
    250,000 Tibetans starved to death and another 250,000 Tibetans died in labor camps. Tibetans experienced no human rights, monks and nuns were beaten to death for wearing traditional clothing. Almost 6,000 monasteries were destroyed, all in a nationwide attempt to end capitalism and modernize China.
  • Unrest in Lhasa

    Unrest in Lhasa
    In 1988, there were very violent protests in the streets of Lhasa for the freedom of Tibet. The Chinese government brutally ended the protests. That same year the Dalai Lama won the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • Global Protests Erupt

    Global Protests Erupt
    In 2008 there were global protests to free Tibet happening all over the world because China was hosting the Olympics and because thousands of Tibetans had died in protests in Lhasa.
  • Self-immolations Occur

    Self-immolations Occur
    Acording to the International Campaign for a Free Tibet, "Since 2009 there have been 130 confirmed self-immolations, 12 occurring in 2011, 86 in 2012, 27 in 2013 and five in 2014."