May 4th Movement
Chinese college students stage a series of demonstrations against China's weak response to the Treaty of Versailles. Which then ceded German territories in China to Japan rather than returning them to China after World War I. This demonstation began to create the feeling of patriotism among the youths and enstilled a feeling of the need of democracy in China. -
Beginning of Cultural Revolution 1966 - 1976
This was a 10 year period where Mao Zedong reffered to as 'The Cultural Revolution." The goal was to enforce socialism in the country by removing capitalist, traditional and cultural elements from Chinese society, and impose Maoist orthodoxy within the Party. During this period, there were many power struggles between Chinese leaderships. With the rise of "Red Guards," meant high ranking leaders falling from power. There were many changes going on inside China at this time. -
Demand for Political Reform
In the late fall, college students in several cities stage demonstrations to demand political reform. This was the beggining of student protests for the political reform and had triggers some new feelings about democracy within the community. -
Death of Hu Yaobang
Hu Yaobang died of a heart attack not long after his ouster and disgrace, on April 15, 1989.Hu Yaobang was a reformist, who served as General Secretary of the Communist Party of China from 1980 to 1987. -
Martial Law
The People's Liberation Army (PLA) begin moving troops in response to creating martial law. Beijing factory workers go on strike to provide further support for Beijing students. Students from other Chinese cities begin to flourish Beijing. Student leadership becomes divided as news reach of the new martial law(s). -
Violence at Tiananmen Square Begins
Troops receive orders to reclaim Tiananmen Square at all cost. Around 10:00 pm, soldiers open fire on people who try to block the army's advance, as well as on those who are simply shouting at the troops. Tanks and armored personnel carriers move toward the center of the city. Many people in the streets are killed or wounded, including bystanders. -
Massacre begins
The morning of June 3, 1989, the 27th and 28th divisions of the People's Liberation Army moved into Tiananmen Square on foot and in tanks, firing tear gas to disperse the demonstrators. They had been ordered not to shoot the protesters; indeed, most of them did not carry firearms. -
Tank Man
An anonymous man stands in front of a column of Chinese Type 59 tanks the morning after the Chinese military forcibly removed protestors from in and around Beijing's Tiananmen Square. -
Arab Spring Starts
The Arab Spring (Arabic: الثورات العربية, al-Thawrāt al-ʻArabiyyah) is a revolutionary wave of demonstrations, protests, and wars occurring in the Arab world that began on 18 December 2010. -
Egyptian Tank Man
During the protests of Egyptian Revolution of 2011, an anonymous young Egyptian man became famous for his act of stopping the advance of an armored police vehicle that was shooting water on the protestors in Al-Qasr Al-Aini Street in Cairo. (Source: Wikipedia)